Batwoman: Grinning From Ear to Ear
Batwoman episode 14:
Batwoman and Luke are on the trail of a villain targeting social media mavens; Sophie gets an unexpected visit from her mother; Mary offers her expertise to assist Kate; Alice focuses on her plans for retribution.
Join NiceGirls Lisa and Cay as they discuss the episode using our feature SASSY: S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(our Thoughts):
Cay: Gawd, can we frickin’ stop with the “Face/off” stuff? I’m so done with people swapping faces! Also, did the villain have to have scars similar to the Joker? I also wasn’t entirely on-board with her motivation for attacking everyone.
Lisa: Honey I couldn’t have said it better myself. As my Grandma used to say, “Stick a fork in me cuz I’m done.” The Face/off stuff has to go!
Cay: Once again, I love Mary! Loved the scene with her and Sophie where she asked if Sophie knew who Batwoman was. Also loved the scene with her and Kate at the bar where she basically told Kate that she knows. I’m glad that she wasn’t targeted – she’s been through enough!
Lisa: I love Mary too! The bar scene where she told Kate that she trusted her with her secret medical clinic and hopes that Kate will trust her like that one day too warmed my heart. I hope Kate shares her Batwoman secret with her soon. I also loved how Luke was giving Kate shit about kissing Sophie as Batwoman. Luke is awesome!
Lisa: Sophie’s mom and that story line was just meh for me. I like that Sophie finally came out to her but her reaction was disappointing to me. Unfortunately, I’m sure there are quite a few gay people whose parents reacted the same way, which is heartbreaking. I will never understand how a parent won’t support and love their child unconditionally.
Cay: I’m not sure what role Sophie’s mother played, other than to show us why she dropped Kate at the academy and went on to get married to her husband. While it was nice to see her and Kate happy for a short time, I’m glad that they decided it wouldn’t work – I hate the dynamic of Kate having the upper hand by knowing everything about Sophie while still doesn’t know that she’s Batwoman.
Lisa: I totally want to see more of Batwoman and Sophie. I guess I’m a sucker for forbidden love. lol. I wish Sophie and Kate would talk to each other and work it out. And I’m sorry, Sophie is too smart to not know that Kate is Batwoman. As soon as she kissed her, she should have known for sure!
Cay: Interesting that there seem to be more moles/criminals in the crows. I guess it shouldn’t surprise us – it’s a big organization that often seems to work on the edge of the law. I like that they brought back in that scene from the prison (although we never saw any of the aftermath of that – Jacob was practically bleeding out in the bathroom and then in the next episode he’s released from prison and completely healthy!).
I found myself wondering why any of Alice’s gang follow her – what do they get from it? She’s obviously insane. Does she pay that well, are the benefits good, or are things that desperate for two-bit thugs in Gotham?
Batwoman airs Sunday nights at 8pm/7c on The CW and is available on the CW App the next day.