STUMPTOWN Roundtable: All Quiet On the Dextern Front
Stumptown fans! Join Nice Girls Leah, Lisa and Roz while we discuss this episode of Stumptown – “All Quiet on the Dextern Front” which focused on the following:
Dex takes on a new case helping a mother who has lost custody of her children, which triggers parallels to her time in Afghanistan. After memories of Afghanistan reemerge, Dex spirals and must face the reasons behind Benny’s death. Back at The Bad Alibi, Grey and Tookie coach Ansel on how to ask a girl out on a date.
The Good
Roz: “The Chain” is a jam and I will love any show that uses it. But that hits at the point of Dex’s flashback and what it means in the long-run about her PTSD and the trauma of war. I did like how Dex’s issues worked with the case that helped flush out what she thinks about her old service time. “Dear G-d” by XTC is also a great song for the moment when Dex finally figures out she needs to talk to Benny’s family about all of her struggles with his death.
Leah: I’m so glad we finally got some actual information on Benny’s death. Looks like that case is far from over, but seeing Dex actually work through some issues and tell people was amazing. Also Grey knowing who Dex needed most and admitting it wasn’t him even though he is pretty much in love with her was sweet.
Lisa: I thought is was great to finally get information on Benny’s death and see her deal with some of her issues was inspiring and so important. I have to say Ansel asking out that cute girl at the frozen yogurt place was adorable! It was my favorite part of this episode.
The Bad
Roz: I wish Ansel would go with his own instincts and have just asked that girl out without getting Grey and Tookie involved.
Leah: I love Tookie, but he is a little much sometimes. I’m listing this under bad because his character was mean to Dex, but I love Kirk Acevedo (12 Monkeys, Fringe) and seeing that the Benny case isn’t over makes me think, hope, that he will be back next episode (again, even if he isn’t a good guy).
Lisa: Lawd Tookie is a mess! It is a miracle he has ever gotten a date with those stale pickup lines. It was funny, but that was just bad advice!
Final Thought
Roz: Why did this show deny me my only one bed trope moment?
Leah: I’m with Roz! Also – I’m glad that detective that has been “lurking” in many a scene with Hoffman finally said something to match all her longing looks!
Lisa: Mmmm Hmmm….she was all in Hoffman’s face and I can’t blame her *swoon*. I can’t wait to see how that whole situation plays out. I also hope we see more of Ansel and his new boo. they warmed my heart.
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STUMPTOWN airs Wednesday nights at 10/9c on ABC