This week on the 8th episode of Manifest season two:
In the wake of a devastating tragedy, Ben tries to connect with a despondent Olive. Michaela questions Jared’s loyalties, and Saanvi shares a medical breakthrough that could change the course of all their lives.
Join us as we use our new ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: Oh I don’t even know who takes the most stupid: Saanvi’s missing time or Michaela’s use of her favor to get all the details about Vasquez.
Cay: I’d say Saanvi as I thought that it was smart to catch Jared in the action. Michaela doesn’t realize that he is up to something with their boss! Is it possible that he’s undercover within the group and hasn’t really turned?
As I was watching, I was going to say Ben and Olive poking around in the basement of the temple, but obviously that turned out pretty well.
Roz: Olive and Ben working together to find and save TJ was something that I didn’t expect, but I love all the same. Olive’s been so distant with regards to everything in the Stone family but now she’s got something going for her that will keep her connection and not so isolated.
Cay: It was nice to have a big positive to balance out all the negatives – Jared, the return of Zeke’s frostbite, Saanvi’s memory lapse (surely related to her “treatments”). It never even occurred to me that TJ might still be alive.
I also like that Michaela and her partner seem to be developing a good relationship. At first I thought she was kind of annoying, but she’s definitely growing on me!
Roz: Nothing with Simon is going to end well, especially as he took photos of Ben’s wall and all of the other pieces.
Cay: Yeah, having him in the Stone house felt like it did when Saanvi was spilling her guts to the Major every episode! OTOH, it adds that bit of suspense that was missing since the Major was outed. It’s interesting that he doesn’t fit in with the rest of the X-ers, who all seemed to give off a white nationalist vibe. What is his motivation?
Your Thoughts:
Roz: I can’t even see where all of these stories are going, but the ride right now is good. The mysteries are picking up without being too odd or too weird.
Cay: I’ve definitely been much more engaged for the last couple of episodes! I love that while things aren’t getting any less complex, they are focusing more on the main story lines and we are getting little pieces every time.
Photo credits: Will Hart, Peter Kramer, and NBC
You can check out all of our previous Manifest coverage here.
Watch Manifest on Mondays at 10/9c on NBC!