Batwoman Roundtable: Take Your Choice
Batwoman episode 12: Take Your Choice
Join NiceGirls Lisa and Cay as they discuss the episode using our feature SASSY: S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(our Thoughts):
Cay: Really, Mouse’s abusive father is back, and kills Beth? I am so over that story line. And the fact that he posed as someone who said he’d try to help Kate and Mary’s dad makes it that much worse! If we never see anyone pull another “face-off” stunt on this show, it will still be way too soon!
Lisa: Yes! The show is called Batwoman, not face off. I am so over it and I am over Mouse as well.
Lisa: Mary is awesome and I am loving her more each week. Kate’s goodbye to Alice was pretty great too and then there is Luke. Luke is the best always.
Cay: The Harry Potter-esque “Neither can live whilst the other survives” was a nice way to solve the awkwardness of having to deal with two Beth’s as well as make Kate face reality a bit more. Kate’s goodbye to Alice was great – I was thinking we were finally done with that, feeling so relieved that Kate didn’t make a stupid choice… obviously, it was very short-lived! I also liked that it was potentially Mary that would have been able to save Beth, even though it didn’t work.
Cay: Sophie needs to simmer down! I understand that she’s got a lot of frustration and anger right now – at Kate, at Alice, and at her husband, but she’s frustrating to watch right now. I’m grateful to the writers for at least not having her be the one to pull the trigger!
Lisa: I agree! Sophie needs to bring it back a notch. She can’t get over that she let Alice escape but she is way over the top. Also, I feel like the prison scene with Jacob getting beat up and stabbed was a bit much. What purpose did it bring? I guess we will find out in the future but I think that scene was unnecessary.
Cay: Deep inside, I realize that when two things could happen in Gotham, one good, one bad, the bad will always prevail, because, really, it’s Gotham. So Beth living and Alice dying was never going to happen. However, I’m tired of Alice and having them both die seems like it would have been a better route – they could have had Alice die in Kate’s arms, show Beth suddenly strengthened, and then kill her – killing two sisters with one plot, so to speak. Then they could find a new nemesis for Kate and she could continue mourning the sister(s) that she couldn’t save. I wish they hadn’t brought Beth in at all just to kill her off so fast.
How many times is Jacob going to get stabbed this season? I’m assuming he survives because that other prisoner wants a favor, but was that really necessary?
Lisa: How can I follow that. Cay you always have such a way with words and I love talking Batwoman with you. 🙂 I agree, I was skeptical when Kate chose to save Beth and not Alice because it would have been so easy. Now thanks to Mouse’s father Beth is dead and Alice is alive and pissed because once again Kate didn’t choose to save her. Woo! What an emotional episode. I have to acknowledge Ruby Rose and Rachel Skarsten for both giving incredible performances. Well shall see how everything unfolds when the madness continues next week!
Batwoman airs Sunday nights at 8pm/7c on The CW and is available on the CW App the next day.