STUMPTOWN Roundtable: Til Dex Do Us Part
Stumptown fans! Join Nice Girls Leah, Lisa and Roz while we discuss this episode of Stumptown – “Til Dex Do Us Part” which focused on the following:
Dex is hired to investigate a bride’s fiancé after suspicions arise regarding the motives behind the hurried nuptials. Dex asks Hoffman for help with the case and discovers there’s more to this couple than meets the eye. Meanwhile, Hoffman goes head-to-head with his father when he learns that he will be representing a suspect in Hoffman’s case. Back at The Bad Alibi, Tookie and Ansel propose a new business idea to a reluctant Grey.
The Good
Roz: Eoin! I’ve been a fan since Merlin so let me have all of this with the added benefit of tattoos. Also I have missed Troian Bellesario on my screen. It’s a great way to see actors I’ve long watched in new roles.
Leah: Eoin Macken (The Night Shift) with his actual Irish accent. Yes. All of the yes. I also really liked that the guy wasn’t the killer/bad guy. It’s nice occasionally when they mix it up.
Lisa: Tookie and Ansel are great together. I love seeing Ansel flourish with ideas for the restaurant. I would love to see him branch out of the bar and just work on the food truck with Tookie. It would be fun and probably safer for Ansel too.
The Bad
Roz: I’m going to go with the client of the week being so narrow-minded when she found this new guy that she completely forgot about what he might have done knowing the truth of her role in the death of his first fiancee.
Leah: Grey is being an ass. He left his bar in the hands of Ansel so he could run around and play car thief and now he is bitter that Ansel and Tookie have ideas? I’m glad he got it together in the end, but come on!
Lisa: Hoffman’s father did him pretty dirty by making him look incompetent in the press. That was a low blow. I also didn’t like how Grey dismissed Tookie. I know it is his bar, but he could have been nicer to him about not needing his help.

(ABC/John Fleenor)
Final Thought
Roz: We’re playing too hot and then too cold with the romantic side of the show. I want it to lead in one way or the other, but now we’re going back and forth without focusing on the how or the why.
Leah: I could use a little more romance between Dex and either of her two guys – they pulled back from that pretty quickly, but overall happy with how this show is progressing.
Lisa: I liked the twist at the end that the bride was the guilty one in stead of the groom. Dex is a badass and I continue to love this show every week.
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STUMPTOWN airs Wednesday nights at 10/9c on ABC