MANIFEST: Emergency Exit
This week on the 7th episode of Manifest season two:
Tensions flare as the passengers of Flight 828 finally come to understand the meaning of their increasingly terrifying callings. Afraid of losing his daughter to the Church of the Believers, Ben confronts Adrian. Zeke challenges Michaela’s trust, and Saanvi seeks help from an old flame.
Join us as we use our new ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: I can’t figure out how all those passengers managed to get to the club at the same time! Who knows that many passengers to get all of them there at once?
But that sort of is awkward and Saanvi’s continued testing is bad! Stop trying to experiment on yourself! You use other animals first (even if the Major has them too).
Cay: Saanvi really doesn’t learn her lesson, does she? The least she could do is have Alex there when she tried it. And I’m sorry, there is no device where you do a cheek swab, rub it on a slide, put it on a normal looking microscope and get instantaneous DNA results! They could have tried a bit harder to be realistic on that!
Jared needs to get some sense knocked into him! What was the plan with Michaela’s cases? And how did he happen to be the first one to show up at the club? Yes, he potentially saved Michaela and others, but it seems a bit too convenient.
Roz: I want to punch Jared in the face! I don’t get what he’s doing with those Xers.
Roz: It was such a great way to have all our main characters need to work together! I wasn’t expecting to see that everyone had a role in this new mystery.
Cay: Unlike a lot of episodes that have gotten pulled down by a bunch of less important (or so it seems), less interesting story lines, this one was tight and addressed the main mythology while still weaving a lot of stuff in. Definitely my favorite episode of the season. Save the passengers indeed! And it turns out the ash was definitely a fire, just not related directly to the plane.
Cay: Just when I thought that Olive and her parents were back to being okay, we find out that they really aren’t. Although how that all changes after TJs death remains to be seen. How could they kill TJ? Obviously the needed to kill one of the passengers to show how high the stakes are, but killing TJ was particularly rotten as the Stone family has been through enough and he really seemed to be helping Olive.
Did the guy who saved his son from last week also die? It didn’t look good when Ben passed him.
Roz: Yeah that guy from last week didn’t look good at the end, but that’s a waste of introducing someone.
Cay: Maybe they aren’t actually dead, and it turns out to be another “miracle” as Isaiah believed?
Your Thoughts:
Roz: I didn’t expect Alex to be a woman! I mean, it’s a good long mystery that is solved, but it changes a few other things about Saanvi’s character and motivations. I also worry about the use of the club, but that’s going to set up something else I think.
Cay: Lots of things to think about with this episode! It of course never occurred to me that Saanvi was waiting on a she, not a he. I guess ghosting her seemed like a lot more of a man thing to do. She was clearly desperate to reach out to Alex.
So why is Adrian seeing the callings as well? And what was up with Isaiah? Is he an Xer, or something else entirely? Was the point of injecting those bottles with gamma hydroxybutyrate just to get a lot of people high so that they wouldn’t be able to escape the fire? How did that club have doors that could be locked from the outside? That’s definitely illegal! Based on the setup, I was expecting poisoning or “roofy”-ing, but not a fire.
Why were Zeke’s hands not burned and why was it only the tops of his fingers that showed “frostbite”? So.many.questions!
Photos by: Peter Kramer/NBC
You can check out all of our previous Manifest coverage here.
Watch Manifest on Mondays at 10/9c on NBC!