A Million Little Things: Guilty
A Million Little Things aired a new episode on Thursday night.
Here is a synopsis for season two, episode 12: Guilty
Gary takes a big step and confronts his past, while Maggie finally talks to Eric. Meanwhile, Regina’s adoption news to her mother causes tension to their already complex relationship.
Nice Girls Cay and Rueben share their thoughts on this episode:
Ugh, Regina’s mother – seriously? First off, there are more African American babies and toddlers that need adoptive parents than white kids, so not only would it be a bit strange for an African American couple to adopt a white baby, it might not even be possible. Second, what the heck? Why would she for a second expect that Regina and Rome would go for a white baby? I’m glad that they seem to be in a better place by the end.
Good for Rome for standing up for himself and his movie. I hope it gets made!
At least we now have a bit of a background on why Gary has been acting so self-destructive lately. Bad enough to have family trauma, but to then have to see the mother who abandoned you in a movie or other public places would certainly be painful. I’m glad Delilah could help him get a bit more closure. Please let this be the end of him acting out!
So, Eric’s backstory is a little less nefarious than I expected, but I’m still done with his plot line. I hope that Maggie is done with him as well. It was promising that Gary apologized – we’ll see where that goes.
I love that the episode was filled with such great guest stars. Seeing Sutton Foster as Chloe, Marcia Gay Harden as Gary’s mom Alice and B.J. Britt as Isaac Martin was really great.
I agree that it good to finally have the truth out there about Eric. When they first showed Sutton as Chloe, I wondered if she was the real heart recipient, and I’m glad that my assumption was actually on the mark. I am pleased that Eric came clean to Maggie, but I too hope that brings that whole storyline to a close. I adore Jason Ritter, but the character Eric just caused too much upheaval.
I thought Rome’s crashing that producer’s meeting with actor Isaac Martin was inspired. That guy deserved that (and maybe more), but to have Isaac contact Rome about moving forward with his film, that was perfect. I just hope it all works out, and that Rome can have his film made.
The whole situation with Regina’s mom, well we know they don’t have the best relationship – that’s not been any secret – but I think her mom was trying a little too hard to stay color blind; but I was happy for Regina that she and her mom seemed to get over one of the many hurdles in their trying relationship. Hopefully this will be the beginning of something good between the two of them.
As for Gary, we finally do have a better understanding of just how messed up his mother leaving him when he was 7 years has messed with his head. That explains a lot about why he has been acting out, and perhaps that little nugget of Gary saying, “I could’ve handled myself better” to Maggie will be the start of their mending their relationship. It’ll never go back to the way it was, but perhaps they can continue to make strides to get back to each other. Maybe?
PS: I missed seeing Eddie and Katherine.
RELATED: A Million Little Things
[Photo Credit: ABC/Jack Rowand]
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A new episode of A Million Little Things will air on Thursday, February 6 at 10/9c on ABC.