A Million Little Things: We’re the Howards
A Million Little Things aired a new episode on Thursday night.
Here is a synopsis for season two, episode 11: We’re the Howards
As Rome and Regina continue to move forward with the adoption process, they are thrown into helping Delilah with a troubled Sophie. Meanwhile, Gary confronts Eric about his past, and Eddie pursues a new career in music.
Nice Girls Cay and Rueben share their thoughts on this episode:
First, let’s talk about Gary. Man, I was really not happy with him throughout this episode. Did that gun being pointed in his face at the end of last week’s episode not do anything? He’s out of control and needs help. There was a way that he could have helped with the issue of that racist at Sophie’s softball game that didn’t require a punch to the face and being arrested. And the trouble he could have caused Rome because of that. It could’ve been a nightmare for Rome. I’m also tired of his sleeping around. And this whole thing with Eric. That just needs to come to head and be done with it.
I give credit to Delilah for not only dealing with sleep training (is that an actual thing?) for baby Charlie, but for dealing with Sophie’s continued temper tantrum. Sophie is acting like a child, and I have no sympathy for her in her choice to get drunk with her “troublesome” friend Jess. Alcohol, in my opinion, is not that answer!
Kudos to Eddie and Katherine for their approach with Theo especially after Maggie determines that his pushing his friend at school was actually a reaction to all the changes that have been happening around him lately. An almost divorce, his parents getting back together and a new baby step-sister. That’s a lot for a little kid to deal with. And, on a sidenote, I’m not sure how I feel about Eddie being asked to “supervise” that young singer Dakota. What is that all about?
And, Rome and Regina’s video segments were quite comical but also touching. I really hope – given how much they both seem to be on board with adopting – that it works out for them.
Yes! I can’t agree enough on how disappointed I am in Gary. You’d hope getting arrested for assault would be rock bottom, but instead of acting chided, he came right out of the police station and took it out on Maggie! We can only hope that having Katherine (of all people!) tell him off will help him get his head on straight. I don’t watch AMLT to see Gary fall apart!
I’m also done with the Eric plotline. They need to reveal his secret and move on. At least that extra coffee that Gary saw him with clearly wasn’t for Maggie, as she was with Delilah.
Speaking of falling apart, definitely can’t blame Theo for having some issues right now! I thought last week that he was taking things way too well for his age. I do like Katherine and Eddie’s approach of getting Maggie involved (and it sounds like soon another therapist). I worry that Dakota is set up as a temptation for Eddie and if he gets into trouble related to her (alcohol or an affair), I’m going to be pretty frustrated with the show. On the other hand, if the goal is that he transitions to a nice, more stable job as an entertainment manager and treats her like a daughter (sort of like the relationship that he used to have with Sophie), then I’m totally on-board with this new development.
Also on the topic of falling apart and needing therapy, why the heck isn’t Delilah’s whole family in therapy together? If there was ever a reason to need to talk it all out with a neutral third party, it would be after your Dad commits suicide and you find out that your mother had an affair with his best friend/ your beloved guitar teacher! Rather than letting Sophie move in with Rome and Regina, I think she needs real professional help!
[And yes, sleep training is a real thing! It’s teaching babies to get on a consistent schedule and sleep through the night and be able to self-soothe and fall back asleep if they wake up (unless they really need something like a diaper change or food).]
Kudos to the show for adding in the racism plot and having Rome share his view of the world – even though he’s upper middle class and successful, he can’t escape the “thug” stereotype. This is an important problem with our culture that I think many “white people” really don’t appreciate and it’s a very important issue to acknowledge before we can change the status quo. Regarding the adoption video, I can only hope the final video turns out well – as a commercial director, you’d think Rome could come up with something good, but the “cheese factor” was relatively high in what we saw!
RELATED: A Million Little Things
[Photo Credit: ABC/Jeff Weddell and Jack Rowand]
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A new episode of A Million Little Things will air on Thursday, February 6 at 10/9c on ABC.