STUMPTOWN Roundtable: Reality Checks Don’t Bounce
Stumptown fans! Join Nice Girls Leah, Lisa and Roz while we discuss this episode of Stumptown – “Reality Checks Don’t Bounce” which focused on the following:
Dex is hired by a famous TV judge to help find his prodigal brother but soon finds that she is not the only one looking for him. Elsewhere, after a carjacking under his watch, Hoffman enlists Grey’s help in tracking down the carjackers. Back at home, Dex isn’t prepared for Ansel’s unexpected news.
The Good
Leah: I love Mike Epps! I also love that Grey and Dex put their issues aside and ate friends again.
Lisa: Mike Epps as the judge was awesome! It was nice seeing him guest star on the show with his catch phrase, “Reality checks don’t bounce.” I also loved that Grey is letting Ansel crash at his place for awhile. So sweet!
The Bad
Leah: I didn’t love this episode. I don’t know if it was the pairing of Grey and Hoffman or what….but it was chaotic. Also, how DARE Hoffman basically blackmail Grey into working undercover. Grey left that life and honestly it feels like he is just getting back at Dex for turning him down. Uncool. Not a good look.
Lisa: Hmmm….this episode was pretty solid for me. Noting bad comes to mind.
Roz: Grey being a CO is a horrible idea and this won’t go anywhere good. Nowhere.
Final Thoughts
Leah: I am happy the show is back. Interested to see how Dex on her own plays out.
Lisa: I’m glad the show is back! Seeing Grey and Hoffman working together was awkwardly interesting. I am curious to see where Hoffman and Dex’s relationship goes.
Roz: I worry about what Dex is going do do now that she’s alone – truly alone – but I suppose that’s the point of all this tension.
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STUMPTOWN airs Wednesday nights at 10/9c on ABC