THE GOOD PLACE Roundtable: You’ve Changed, Man
The Good Place continues its final season with a brand new episode this week. Check out our thoughts below. Here’s a synopsis:
The group works to negotiate an afterlife plan with Sean and the judge.
We’re going to divide our thoughts on this episode into three self-explanatory categories – The Good Place, The Medium Place, and The Bad Place, plus a final category for favorite quotes or overall thoughts.
The Good Place
Roz: I love watching this version of Chidi – a confident man who knows all the things that he has done in every one of these lives – and how he interacts with everyone.
Christie: All hail the Janets! They’re my heroes. And Disco Janet was so much fun! And when Janet summoned Timothy Olyphant for the Judge — can I get a Janet to summon people for me? I love how this episode really shows how far our main characters have come. Eleanor and Chidi especially.
Leah: New Chidi for the win. His arc over all of these different “reboots” has been one of my most favorite things to watch.
Cay: Yep, definitely on board with the new Chidi. He always seemed to be the character that most belonged in the Good Place. I also liked that Eleanor got through an entire episode without calling herself “trash” or anything else demeaning. I also got a kick out of all the stuff in the one Bad Janet void – dynamite, mayonnaise, monster truck, a PortaPotty, etc
Bad Place
Cay: I’m really done with the Bad Janet farting routine. It’s lost the shock/laugh value and now is just cringe-worthy
Roz: Shawn has been such a great villain and here he’s just sort of there. I would want him to do more with the evil side of his job and today he felt off.
Christie: Knowing how the Bad Place demons responded with the extended neighborhood experiment, I do not see how they are going to accept this new normal. And if they do accept it, I don’t know if it’s going to feel satisfying as a viewer, given all we’ve been through with this show.
Oh and I am OVER the Good Place people. Why are the people running the Good Place such pushovers? I don’t accept this!
Leah: I’m 100% with Roz on this. What? Shawn is the most evil – and the best at it. Do. Better. (Or whatever the equivalent in Hell is)
The Medium Place
Cay: Chidi in roller skates was a bit weird/out of character, even for the “new Chidi”.
Christie: Jason kind of annoyed me more than usual in this episode. And the Maya Rudolph schtick started to get old.
Roz: After all these Team Cockroach episodes, it felt weird to lose some of that energy. Everyone seemed to be doing their own thing, not as much a collective thing.
Leah: My problem with last season was the group not being a unit – the separate story lines, even if they end up coming together, is not my favorite thing.
Final Thoughts & Quotes We Loved
Cay: If we’re going out, I’m going out with a belly full of warm pretzels! Yummy Yumm-y. – Chidi I’ve got to agree with Chidi here – there are few things better than a really good soft hot pretzel! Bonus with cheese and mustard!
Christie: Agree with Cay — belly full of warm pretzels! Also, Jason’s line “This is messed up, even for Florida!” Yes, all Florida jokes are funny to me.
Roz: Timothy Olyphant!
Check out our other The Good Place coverage!
The Good Place airs Thursdays 9/8c on NBC