Lifetime Holiday Movie Recap: A Christmas Wish
Faith (Hilarie Burton) is looking forward to her holiday break before she finds out that her art project at the local junior high is going to be cut because the school district needs to redistribute funds. The kids are so good at expressing themselves through art, which hurts even more when she also looks at the town’s annual Christmas tradition of granting wishes.
With her sister, Faith makes a wish – or her sister writes and and Faith puts it in – to fall in love this season. What follows is so many comedic jokes about all the men Faith meets being interested in her mixed in with the town’s usual Christmas traditions. Her mother – part of the town’s Wish Committee – is working to get a little boy and his grandfather to see “A Christmas Carol”. Her little sister returned to town with her boyfriend, who’s ready to propose when the moments right, and Faith’s trying to fend off all these guys and still find a way to save the Art program.
At Faith’s side while she tries to save her Art program is school nurse, Wyatt (Tyler Hilton), who has been her friend for years. They go through the process of trying to clean up her classroom and also deal with all of these new guys in Faith’s life.
It’s too bad that Faith can’t see that Wyatt’s in love with her and has been for years.
But while all these men are finding ways to take Faith on dates, a mysterious woman, Mary (Pam Grier) is around to help with some magic. She’s been granting Faith’s first to find true love after Faith helped her out at the start of the story. These guys are all comically bad for Faith – a lawyer who is uninterested in her art; a guy who always spills his drink into her; a new neighbor – but the attention does have Faith trying to figure out what’s going on with her wish.
As she gets more frustrated with men falling for her – including Wyatt saying that he’s in love with her – she and her sister take back to the town’s wish box to try and unwish her love life. However, that box has been stolen and now the town must find it.
In the end, the kids of Faith’s art class stole the box so that they could replace all their wishes for ones where she could keep her job but they also took all the wishes from the box and painted them to show the town the power of art.
Wyatt finds Mary just as he’s given up hope of getting Faith’s attention only to have his wish granted. A kiss shared under the stars and a wonderful start to Christmas day in Louisiana.
Didn’t catch “A Christmas Wish” on Thanksgiving? Lifetime has you covered. You can stream it now.
See what else Lifetime has to offer this season here.