Batwoman Roundtable: Mine is a Long and Sad Tale
Batwoman episode 105: Mine is a long and sad tale
Alice shares part of her story with Kate, their father finally accepts that Alice is Beth, and Catherine comes clean to Mary who doesn’t take it very well.
Join NiceGirls Lisa and Cay as they discuss the episode using our feature SASSY: S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(our Thoughts):
Cay: I still don’t get all the skin stealing other than being something to gross us out and paint a picture of Alice even more insane than she already appeared. Many an actual face transplant has failed, so what is going on with just cutting skin off of corpses and thinking that will fix Mouse?
Lisa: I don’t know but it definitely creeped me out. I could have done without the skin stealing storyline. We get how loca she is without that addition to the story.
Cay: Mary and Luke. Even better, drunk Mary and Luke. It’s sweet how much she admires and loves Kate! Also awesome that she is not on board with what her mother did. I also am fascinated by the dynamic between Kate and Alice/Beth. Kate wants so hard to be able to change Alice that she always lets down her guard and gets bested by her again and again.
Lisa: OMG! I am on board for a Mary and Luke spin-off! Luke has had my heart from the beginning but I loved seeing him interact with someone other than Kate. He’s just awesome!
Cay: Nice to get a bit of Beth/Alice’s [gruesome] backstory although it still doesn’t explain how she got to be Alice. This episode was also particularly dark and violent, even for a show that tends to be both.
Lisa: I agree. It’s important for us to know her trip down the rabbit hole and it was definitely a dark trip. The flashback scenes when she was a child were tough to watch. We got a glimpse of why she’s so damaged but not how she became Alice like you said.
Cay: My favorite line “I’m a good sister! I’ve killed ZERO people!” So, Catherine’s cat is out of the bag, but we still don’t know how she met the real Alice and why she hid this fact from the rest of the family.
Lisa: I’m still hooked! Now that Kate’s father has finally accepted that Alice is Beth, what will he do? Is it too late for her to be saved? Kate has failed at her attempts, but how much longer will they try? Also, next week it isn’t looking good for Sophia. Will a near death experience awaken her feelings for Kate? Can’t wait to see how it all unfolds.
Batwoman airs on Sunday nights at 8pm on the CW.