STUMPTOWN Roundtable: Bad Alibis
Stumptown fans! Join Nice Girls Roz, Leah and Lisa while we discuss this episode of Stumptown – “Bad Alibis” which focused on the following:
Despite being ordered by Lieutenant Cosgrove to take time off, Hoffman enlists Dex’s help to investigate a case. Meanwhile, Tookie’s culinary skills come in handy at Bad Alibi, and Dex stresses over an interview to become a certified PI.
The Good
Lisa: Dex is an official Private investigator now. Holla! I loved the scene where she had on her blazer trying to look official and Ansel told her she looked funny. Their relationship is my favorite on the show. Blueberry pop tarts everyday!
Leah: I’m glad Grey got her P.I. license and told the truth in the interview. That was a win! I’m also glad Grey is back safe although most of his story is going in The Bad. Also also I love Tookie! His culinary descriptions and general banter had me cracking up!
The Bad
Lisa: Grey attempting to protect Dex by keeping her in the dark about his past and criminal activity. I get that he probably doesn’t want to be judged for his past, but Dex of all people wouldn’t judge. Because of his silence, he put Dex and Ansel in danger and hurt his relationship with Dex. She was more upset that he kept his past from her than his criminal activity.
Leah: What in the ever loving crap was Grey thinking? Dex can handle whatever it is that he is up to/was up to/had to do. She would have understood and helped him figure it out. To lie, hid things and then put Ansel in danger is ridiculous. Also a little bad – Hoffman getting Dex to go through Grey’s office, while I know ended up saving Grey, also came off as a little manipulative. Like – hey you are doing this for Grey – but also Grey is a criminal. I could arrest him for having bullets in his safe. Etc…
Final Thoughts
Leah: I really like this show. It is never boring and in 2019 when there doesn’t seem to be any more new/exciting ways to do a crime of the week – Stumptown still comes up with an inventive way to handle it.
Lisa: This show continues to wow me each week. I am loving it and I am excited that it got picked up for a full season order. I can’t wait to see Dex kick more ass as a private investigator. She rocks!
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STUMPTOWN airs Wednesday 10/9c on ABC