STUMPTOWN Roundtable: Family Ties
Stumptown fans! Join Nice Girls Roz, Leah and Lisa while we discuss this episode of Stumptown – “Family Ties” which focused on the following:
Dex faces off against Artie Banks to take down wealthy real estate mogul Randall Tapper. Meanwhile, Detective Cosgrove leads an investigation to find Wallace Kane, a prisoner on the loose.
The Good
Lisa: The opening scene where Dex is bashing Artie’s car wearing that awesome jacket was everything! I had to rewind it and watch it again! It displayed how she is not to be messed with and I am here for it.
Leah: I agree with Lisa the opening scene was great! I also really liked that in the end Artie wasn’t the total jackasses he appeared to be. I wasn’t going to be able to watch him be terrible forever.
Roz: Lisa’s spot on this week! I loved that scene so much!
The Bad
Lisa: Why didn’t Grey come clean to Miles or Dex? He has gotten himself in a serious dangerous situation and no one knows! Grrr….trust the ones around you to know the truth.
Leah: Again I’m with Lisa. This really bothered me. Dex on all people knows Grey’s demons. Tell. Her. You. Idiot.
Roz: Lisa’s got it going on this week! Grey should tell someone, especially since the police are already concerned about his connection before that guy escaped!
Final Thoughts
Roz: I want to know more about this guy that Grey’s in deep with now that we keep ending on a cliffhanger. It’s great for a few episodes, but it can get old pretty quickly if I want more answers than I get each week.
Leah: Overall I’m liking this show and the direction it’s heading in. There are still some things to iron out, but it’s a strong start.
Lisa: The scene where Grey tells Dex’s brother that he has earned paid time off and to go home and enjoy it but he didn’t really understand made my heart melt. When he said. “Did I do something wrong?” I wanted to go through the screen and hug him. I love his character! Also, it was good to see that Dex took home a win and Tapper’s ex-wife won full custody of her baby. It was a job well done. This show is getting better each week and I really look forward to it.
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STUMPTOWN airs Wednesday 10/9c on ABC