A Million Little Things: The Perfect Storm
We got another new episode of A Million Little Things this week. Here is the official synopsis for season two, episode 4: The Perfect Storm
Maggie is shocked to learn Eric’s true identity. Meanwhile, Eddie realizes how much he wants to be a part of Charlie’s life as Katherine makes a decision about her and Eddie’s relationship.
Nice Girls Cay and Rueben share their thoughts:
Cay: Whoa, did NOT see the heart transplant recipient twist coming! Obviously that was a shock to Maggie and her father. I can appreciate her feeling betrayed that her mother never mentioned the donation or that she was in touch with Eric. It seems like a bit of communication early on would have saved a lot of grief now. How could her mother keep a secret like that for so long, even while developing a relationship with Eric? I do love that Maggie ended up sitting with him in the bar and getting to know him – he seems like a nice guy. But I hated the confrontation outside the airport with Maggie’s mom (which is of course definitely NOT Boston Logan which made me laugh!) and the fact that he seems to be coming in between Maggie and Gary.
That scene at Delilah’s house with Eddie and Katherine was so AWKWARD! Kudos to Katherine for just laying it all out and to Gary for being Gary. Once again I have to say that she’s a bigger person that I think I would be in a similar situation. And, I have to address the male babysitting scenes. Seriously, who happens to have a two-person steam shower to use for their babies’ congestion? It seemed a gratuitous way to get their shirts off (not that I am complaining!). Funny that Sophie walked in on them, though.
The restaurant plot seemed a bit beyond belief. How does giving away a ton of free food get her out of financial issues? Nothing suggested that people donated enough money to cover things. Plus, could a restaurant like that really feed that many people that kind of food with no power?
BTW, in a strange coincidence, we got a bad storm in Massachusetts Wednesday night through Thursday with heavy rain, high winds, and yes, power outages. So, Logan may have been an obvious fake, but the storm was dead on!
Rueben: OMG, Cay, I thought the same thing. I did not see the heart transplant storyline AT ALL. I was sure that it was some kind of cougar situation with a younger guy so that twist was very unexpected. I did like that Eric found Maggie walking in that storm, and that she finally got to talk about what really happened with someone…although I wish she’d open up more to Gary about it all. I don’t want to see anything come between Maggie and Gary, though. I think that would really upset me to see their relationship harmed because of Eric coming into their lives.
I LOVED the shower scene, and Eddie’s need to be a bigger part of baby Charlie’s life. Gratuitous or not, that shower scene was nice; but you’re SO right, who has a shower like that?! I laughed so hard when Sophie caught them though; that was a nice funny moment in the episode.
We’ve been saying this for awhile – that Katherine is a saint – and she proved it even more in this episode. Last season I was nonplussed about Katherine, but she’s really stepped up this season, making me actually like her WAY more than before. I have to wonder given the clips for next week how things are going to continue for her and Eddie, though.
The whole restaurant storyline was, like you said, a bit beyond belief. Giving away all that food without any kind of recompense is NOT going to help their bottom line. Sure it helped set the stage for Regina and Delilah to rethink a few things about the restaurant (mainly doing their tables/meals more family-style), but how were they able to manage all that without any power at all?
What more can we say about Gary? He’s a prince, for sure, helping everyone else all the while dealing with all the ramifications of Maggie and her mom. Just once I think someone in the group – or the group as a whole – needs to Gary Gary. He deserves a little of what he doles out to everyone else, don’t you think?
How cute that Theo sang to baby Charlie, and then Rome and Eddie continued the song in the shower for her. I thought those were cute, sweet scenes.
RELATED: A Million Little Things
[Photo Credit: ABC/Jack David Bukach]
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A Million Little Things will air a new episode next week on Thursday, October 24 at 9/8c on ABC.