The 100 Recap: “The Blood of Sanctum” (Season Finale)

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The sixth season of The 100 aired on Tuesday night on The CW, but unfortunately it brought very little of the story to a close. Sure, Madi was saved from the Dark Commander; sure they saved the Eligius crew that’s still in cryosleep; sure they stopped the Primes – well, to be more specific, Clarke stopped them but at a huge cost.

But what did they gain?

Jordan has seemingly drunk too much of the Sanctum Koolaid, er, the actual blood of Sanctum, and seemed intent on becoming a prime himself, if his holding one of those drives in his hand after telling Bellamy that he would be fine is any indication. And, in the end the anomaly on Sanctum claimed another victim: Octavia

Let’s take a look at what happened during the season finale:

Things were looking pretty bleak on the Eligius, as Indra and her people stood down when Russell, Simone (in Abby’s body) and Clarke (pretending to be Josephine) use Indra’s daughter Gaia as one of three prisoners to force their way on the ship, and in essence taking it over. Indra and the rest of the crew that had been awakened from cryosleep were held in the mess hall, but when Madi screamed “attack,” the Primes’s guards took out a handful of Wonkru.

Things didn’t get much better when they were locked up inside the mess hall with Russell and the rest of the Primes made decisions about what to do with the rest of the Eligius crew that were still asleep. The final decision was to wipe all of their memories and take the ship to the next closest planet, which was a 20-year journey away. And, if that planet wasn’t habitable, they would keep exploring space until they found one that was, using the bodies of the crew to leapfrog through time, keeping themselves alive just as they had been doing for eons on Sanctum.

Meanwhile, Raven and the team were desperately trying to separate Madi from Sheidheda, the Dark Commander; but it became clear that there were only two options. Destory Sheidheda or destroy the flame, which was supposed to contain the memories of all the past commanders. In the end, they did the only thing they could do to save Madi: they removed the flame from Madi’s body, isolating Sheidheda on the ship’s computer. The only problem with that was somehow the memory of the Dark Commander was uploaded and then it disappeared. So is Sheidheda now the AI of the Eligius?

Elsewhere on the Eligius, Clarke was once again forced to pull a lever and change her life forever. Simone attempted to pretend that she was actually Abby, but when Clarke tested her with an easy question – “what was my dad’s name? – she failed; and Clarke pulled the airlock lever, sending all of the Primes out into space except for Simone who grabbed onto a latched in Clarke, refusing to let go until Clarke forcefully pushed her away, sending her out into space. Clarke had no choice, but that was still her mother’s body, and she never got the change to say goodbye to her real mom.

Back in Sanctum, Bellamy, Octavia, Miller and Echo – along with the remaining members of the Children of Gabriel – were gassed and taken as prisoners to a special temple where the blood of Sanctum – basically their poisoned Koolaid – was being forced upon them. They either drank or were immediately killed. Miller was the only forced to drink after the leader of this religious sect sliced the neck of one of the girls from the Children of Gabriel.

It was then, thankfully, that Murphy and Emori – pretending to be resurrected members of the Prime – came in, stopping the procedure. Their guise was discovered, forcing all of them to race into the palace for safety from the believers in the Sanctum camp with some help from Gabriel himself. But when Gabriel learned that some of his people had been left behind, all of the team – except Emori who stayed behind to safeguard the recently poisoned Miller and a heavily drugged Jordan – went back to the believers to attempt a rescue.

Needless to say, that rescue didn’t quite go as planned, but the team was able to get the best of the religious sect and the Sanctum believers, but not before Octavia had to take down the lead woman, who drenched herself in gasoline, lit herserlf of fire and tried to burn down the special temple. In taking down this woman, Octavia’s coat caught fire, and when she removed it, Gabriel saw that her back was covered in some type of hieroglypics, markings that he had been studying for a VERY long time, markings that are tied to the anomaly.

Once back at the camp located near the anomaly, Gabriel used some of the red markings from Octavia’s back, touching those specific symbols on a mysterious anomaly stone contained underground. When the last symbol was selected, nothing happened for a second then the green smoke flowed all over the area, created a strange kind of smoke storm. A moment later Hope, the grown daughter of Diyoza, walked inside the tent, grasped Octavia, stabbed her and as Octavia fell back into her brother Bellamy’s arms, she basically disintegrated into green smoke. The final scene was Bellamy yelling his sister’s name and racing outside staring up in the sky.

What did you think of the season finale? Do you think the Dark Commander has taken over the inner workings of the Eligius? Do you think Jordan will try to turn himself into a Prime? Do you think Octavia is really dead? What exactly is this anomaly? Please share your thoughts below.

[Photo Credit: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW]

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That brings The 100 to a close for season 6, but the show will return for its 7th and final season on The CW sometime next year.

Using her favorite online handle, Rueben is an East Coast-bred gal who is now a permanent Californian and a lifelong tv-oholic. She watches at least 25 TV shows a week, goes to the movies as often as possible, listens to music every waking moment, reads every day and “plays” on the internet every chance she can. Some of her current favorite TV shows are Outlander, Sweet Magnolias, Wednesday, The Mandalorian, The Equalizer, Fire Country, Matlock, Miss Scarlet, Hudson & Rex, SkyMed, The Rookie, Bridgerton, Virgin River, The Witcher, Leverage: Redemption and School Spirits. She is looking forward to new episodes of Reacher and 1923; the finale episodes of Cobra Kai and the debuts of the new dramas The Hunting Party and Suits LA. Follow her on Bluesky or contact her at Please also check out Rueben's Ramblings website for even more entertainment news.