JETT: Thoughts on Episode 8 “Dillion”
Jett was all new – check out our thoughts on episode 8
Jett finds herself in dire straits when Dillon, hell-bent on revenge, descends on Charlie’s house to confront an out-of-control Junior, who has come to his father for help. Phoenix deals with her brother Neal’s threats head-on. Later, Jett remembers her last heist with Quinn and a crucial tête-à-tête with Dillon, before hearing Bestic’s final demand.
Be forwarded – there might be some swears in the below recap because for the love of all that is holy things went off the f*cking rails this week!
Phoenix and Neal

Photo Courtesy: Cinemax
We can all agree Neal is a complete waste of breath, yes? That bastard broke into Jett’s home and assaulted Phoenix. Things weren’t looking so good for Phoenix when some workers from across the street burst in and grabbed Neal, hauling him out. Not one to go quiet into that good night Phoenix borrowed a hammer from one of the guys and swung as hard as she could at Neal’s knee. That’s gotta hurt…and lets be honest…it’s the least she could do. Hopefully this means the end of Neal.
Bestic and Jett
So bad news – Bestic is in town and he wants to meet face to face with Jett. He still wants her to do an assassination job – this time kill Charlie – but Jett maintains she isn’t an assassin. She is a thief. Bestic doesn’t really care what she thinks so face to face meeting it will be. Bad all bad is what it will be.
Jett and Charlie and Dillon and Charles Jr
Here is where the swears come in. What the ever loving f*ck is going on? I spent most of the episode rocking back and forth while mumbling, “no. no. no. no. no. no” Honestly for a moment I thought we were in some sort of dream sequence (which I hate) and nope. Not a dream! Let me back up. Charlie is suspicious of Jett. He thinks it is her that is working with Salazar. He shows up at her house unexpectedly and they go for a ride. Not long into the ride Charlie’s wife calls in a panic, Junior is at the house and he is losing it. Charlie and Jett head there. We are treated to a fantastic exchange between Vivian (Charlies wife) and Jett. Vivian asks Jett is she is sleeping with Charlie and she responds completely straight faced, “No, are you?” It was hilarious. Bennie, Charlie and Jett get to Charlie’s office to find Junior doing lines and freaking out. Side note: Gentry White’s coked out crazy was phenomenal. Because it wasn’t crazy – it was cunning covered up by crazy. All alliterations aside he killed it. I watched the scene three times. So Junior is freaking out and he calls Jett a C U Next Tuesday for calling him Junior instead of Charles Jr. He does NOT like being called Junior. Junior can’t figure out who would be after him, but he found his guy in the street shot to death so someone is coming. He’s right, someone is coming – Detective Dillon. I should mention that Charles’s house is under surveillance so there is a van outside full of police. They watch as Dillon walks up to the car of Juniors guys and shoots them. Then Dillon hops the gate, makes his way inside and is caught. Jett, Bennie, Charlie, a

Photo Courtesy: Cinemax
bodyguard and Junior are inside Charlie’s office. When Dillon gets there he sees Jett and you can tell she is contemplating what to do. Dillion tells Junior he’s there because he killed Josie, his partner. He is about to say she saw him with Salazar when Junior punches him. He has to keep Dillon quiet. Dillon won’t be quite though and Junior is about to shoot him when Jett stabs Bennie in the leg with a letter opener, grabs his gun and shoots the bodyguard. Jett then says “Junior” three times. This obviously enrages him and he turns his gun on her. SHE SHOOTS JUNIOR IN THE HEAD!!!!! JETT SHOT JUNIOR. HE IS DEAD. I was so wide eyed and shocked. Charlie has the same expression I have. Jett takes Charlie’s gun, picks up Dillon and they take off out the back door and the cops where were across the street in the van break in the front.
Jett and Dillon get away and after Jett makes a call to Phoenix to get Alice and take a road trip while things get sorted out she gets Dillon to a motel where she cleans him up. We get a flashback of the two of them years previous. He isn’t undercover anymore and he catches her while she is running from a heist gone bad. They decide to let each other get away because she had saved his life while he was undercover. Later we see that they maintain a sexual relationship. Their banter is easy and cute and while I was never Team Dillon I am glad Jett saved him and he is starting to grow on me.
Last side note: Jett is so calm in the face of chaos. She calmly “handles” Junior, gets Dillon to a motel, calls her daughter and doesn’t raise her voice or shake or lose it – at all. Such a stark contrast to say – Junior.
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JETT airs Friday at 10pm on Cinemax