The 100 Recap: “Ashes to Ashes” and “Adjustment Protocol”
Last week’s episode of The 100 entitled “Ashes to Ashes” was yet another intense one, focusing on what the plan was for Clarke and Bellamy to get their people out of Sanctum while Echo was going through her own bit of hell at the hands of Ryker, who was ordered by Russell to change Echo into a Nightblood.
At Gabriel’s camp, Clarke, Bellamy and Octavia learned how he got condemned by the Primes: he burned the embryos of Nightblood, as he simply couldn’t do the procedures any longer and Ryker helped him escape. But before they could finalize their plan to take down Sanctum, the Children of Gabriel surrounded his tent, learning the ten-year’s hidden truth about Xavier: that he was actually Gabriel. To say that that news didn’t go over well would be an understatement.
Meanwhile in Sanctum, Ryker performed the procedure on Echo to turn her into a Nightblood; but was even more telling was that Echo revealed something about her past that was shocking; something she had never shared with anyone else. I’m betting that Bellamy was even unaware.
A flashback was shown of Echo with her childhood friend named Ash. Even as a young girl Echo was trained to be a spy for Queen Nia (guest star Brenda Strong) of the Ice Nation. The Queen wanted Echo to kill a man, but when she failed to do so, the Queen demanded that Echo and Ash fight to the death. But in a very unexpected twist, young Ash – who was not trained – got the better of Echo, killing her friend; and then being forced to become Echo. Before Ryker could take Echo’s life, Gaia and Miller – who escaped their make-shift Sanctum prison – were able to free Echo, who turned the tables on Ryker, taking his life instead.
Back at Gabriel’s encampment, Murphy showed up with Jade and Sanctum guards, helping to rescue Clarke (aka Josephine). While it is known that Clarke is back in her own body and Josphine’s conscious is basicially dead, the plan to take down Sanctum was finalized: Clarke would go back pretending to be Josephine so she could help to free their people and bring Sanctum down.
The test was convincing the Primes – most of all – Josephine’s dad Russell. Clarke put on a good performance upon entering Sanctum, twirling her hair like Josephine, and acting like the spoiled bitch. She even played up not knowing who Madi was and telling her adopted daughter that Clarke was dead, which was clearly hard for Clarke; but a necessary action. As for Madi, she’s being used as a guinea pig by the Primes in order to get bone marrow to make more NIghtbloods; but what the Primes don’t realize is that that Dark Commander trapped inside Madi’s mind has been pushing her to kill everyone who gets in her way. And once Madi gets loose, and you know she will eventually, it’s gonna be hell to pay.
As for this week’s episode, entitled “Adjustment Protocol,” the time was nigh for the Children of Gabriel along with Bellamy and Octavia to invade Sanctum, as long as Clarke – posing as Josephine – was able to get the shield down between the city and the forest, allowing the invaders to get inside.
What was most telling about this episode was Abby, who went through the gamut of emotions throughout. First by seeing the body of Clarke before her, knowing – in her mind – that her daughter was dead, being inhabited by Josephine [if only she knew the truth!]; and watching Clarke having to play the part to convince the guards and, most importantly, Russell that she was indeed Josephine. And then to have Clarke arrive back at the Sanctum lab, breaking the surprising news to Abby [along with Jackson and Raven], that she was really Clarke. The relief for Abby, and the others was palpable. Later it was in seeing Raven and Abby come to terms with all of their past problems, forgiving each other for all the bad that had transpired between them only for Russell to double cross them by taking Abby’s life so that his despicable wife could be resurrected. That might have been the hardest moment in the entire episode was us all knowing that Abby was gone, being replaced by Simone; and then seeing Clarke realize what happened without being able to react to it for fear of blowing her cover.
Just as hard was seeing Clarke pretend her true emotions where Madi was concerned. Because of Russell’s mandate, Madi was almost being bled dry in order to get the bone marrow needed to make more hosts for the Primes. Clarke so desperately wanted to safe Madi not only from Russell and the Primes but also the Dark Commander who was taking over more and more of Madi’s few waking moments. If only Raven could get Becca’s notebook to figure out how to rid Madi of the flame without it taking her life for good.
The big action, of course, happened when Gabriel learned of the Namings Ceremony that was going to happen. He broke through the shiled of Sanctum to learn that SIX primes would be made that night, and he wasn’t about to let that happen. While he was enacting his own diverted part of their invasion plan, Clarke was able to trick Priya (aka Delilah) into helping them bring down the shield by using the drive of her son Ryker (whose latest host was killed by the vengeful Echo) as bait. The shield was down and the Children of Gabriel began their drive into the city.
Unfortunately, Russell was ready for them with the “adjustment protocol,” releasing the toxin that causes the personality shift in everyone when the Red Sun appears. When he unleashed that toxin onto the unsuspecting people of Sanctum, mayhem ensued, causing the Bellamy, Octavia and the Children of Gabriel to take refuge until the toxin wore off while a newly resurrected Simone (in Abby’s body), Russell and Clarke left on the jump ship, helmed by Raven, heading to the Eligius out in space with Jackson, Gaia and Madi as additional prisoners.
As the final scene of the penultimate episode played out, Indra and those awake on the Eligius were heavily armed, standing at the ready to take down their unexpected borders while Simone (nee Abby), Russell and Clarke (still pretending to be Josephine) held guns to the heads of Raven, Madi and Gaia. It was a stand-off!
What is going to happen in next week’s season finale? Will Indra and the Eligius crew be able to hold off the Primes? What will happen to Bellamy and the rest of Sanctum? Needless to say, it’s going to be an incredible season finale.
Ashes to Ashes Pictures:
[Photo Credit: Sergei Bachlakov/Diyah Pera/The CW]
Adjustment Protocol Pictures:
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[Photo Credit: Sergei Bachlakov/Diyah Pera/The CW]
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The season finale of The 100 will on The CW on Tuesday, August 6 at 9/8c.