AGENTS OF SHIELD Roundtable: “From the Ashes”
We’re racing toward the end of the latest season of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD.
Here’s the synopsis for the latest episode, “From the Ashes”:
Out of answers and running out of time, the agents must face the ghosts of their past in order to move forward.
Join NiceGirls Rueben, Christie and Roz as we discuss the episode, using our ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: Izel’s plan seems to require too many parts for it to work; if you need people to recreate what the monoliths look, a team of people who hate your plan seems ill-advised.
Christie: YOYO!! We just had a whole episode where we worry about who may be posessed by Izel. And you go right into the first scene like that didn’t happen?!
Rueben: Deke trying to interject his “thoughts” into anything that Fitz and Simmons were saying to Daisy. He was simply trying too hard. Although I will give him credit for coming through with that sonic barrier idea at the end of the episode.
Roz: Even if we had to see Benson’s fear, it was great to see him pick up on that ‘joke’ with Yo-yo so he had an idea of what they were dealing with.
Christie: Chloe Bennet’s performance in this episode was great. She displayed some powerful emotion.
Rueben: Seeing the power inside of Sarge; namely what he was able to do, was pretty impressive; and the scene with him and Daisy where he called her Skye. The look on Daisy’s face when she finally realized that there is some of Coulson inside was pretty palpable.
Roz: This plot feels overly complicated to wrap up in two hours, as Izel’s plan takes work and so does the rest of the team’s to make something resolve itself into an end.
Christie: I… I’m not in love with Sarge actually being Coulson. Coulson died last season. We spent a whole season saying goodbye to him. Why do that if we’re just going to bring him back in some form?
Rueben: What was the point of Benson seeing that man. I’m guessing Thomas was his husband who died, right? But why show him? How does that play out for the season finale?
Roz: Is this going to end in a way that makes us satisfied? We have so many loose ends to collapse.
Christie: I’m curious to see how all of this ends. Or does it end? Do we spend the rest of next season fighting possessed people and Chronocoms?
Rueben: I really want to see them take Izel down in the worst possible way. I want to know what Sarge really is, and whether they can get any form of Coulson back or not. I want to see Mack and Yoyo back together for good. And for Deke to finally grow up.
Make sure to check out our coverage of the show here.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be back next week on Friday, August 2 at 8/7c on ABC, with the two-part finale of the sixth season.