Comic Con
Comic-Con 2019: Stan Lee’s Alliances: A Trick of the Light by Audible.com
Above all this year one of my very favorite things we got to see at Comic-Con was Stan Lee’s Alliances: A Trick of Light activation. The activation leads you through several rooms where you are immersed audio clips from the book along with beautiful light effects. The final part of the experience walked us through a dark hallway light only by neon with Stan Lee’s voice intro to the book playing.
After going through the activation, we bumped into Christian Martillo, Audible Creative Director, and asked him about seeing his creative vision realized at Comic-Con.
Later we sat down with the authors, Ryan Silbert, Kat Rosenfield, and Luke Lieberman, who collaborated with Stan on this final project and they had some really great thoughts on the book. They stated that working with Stan on this book was a collaborative process between the four of them. Stan’s creativity was so spontaneous but he was also the one who would focus the team back when they needed it. For Stan, the beating heart of the story was always the characters so he’d also bring them back to that.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out the audiobook yet I would say it’s a must! Advertised as “an audio experience”, the book introduces a new universe conceived of by Stan Lee shortly before his passing. Without giving away spoilers, the book follows two main characters whose lives are greatly affected by technology and how technology has this great ability to separate people from each other but also to bring people together. The last parting word of what the authors hoped people take away from the book: “We hope people finish the book and think about how to connect with others more.”
Stan Lee’s Alliances: A Trick of Light is available now on Audible – and I highly recommend giving it a listen as it is definitely an audio experience. It will also come out in physical book format with expanded materials and extras on September 17.