JETT: Thoughts on Episode 6 “Josie”
Jett brought us more amazing story this week. We are past the halfway point in the season and things are definitely just ramping up to be more wonderful and crazy. See what we thought of this week’s episode.
Reconnecting with McKay a fellow con she met on a diamond heist with Quinn, Jett orchestrates the heist of a vintage Mercedes from a lakeside estate. The plan goes smoothly enough – until a pair of interlopers crash the party. Meanwhile, Josie tries to break things off with Dillon but ends up being sucked into a dangerous game with Junior
Jett and McKay
We get to meet McKay – a man Jett has worked with on and off since her days with Quinn. We also get some Quinn flashbacks and I miss him! So does Jett – she still sees him in her head from time to time and has conversations in her mind with him. Back to McKay – he seems solid and he helps her steal the car she was tasked to get by Bestic. He also has a friend named Freddie who will be the driver. He seems like an affable guy. Also worth mentioning there is a picture of Charlie with the cars owners in the house. Doesn’t look like Bestic is having Jett do random jobs.
The Doctor and his Receptionist
Nolan has told his receptionist about the car heist and like an idiot is driving past the house. Jett isn’t pleased and she tells him as much. She is so quietly in control. That calm ‘I will take no bullshit’ attitude is much more frightening than screaming or ranting. She appears to have gotten her point across, however there is a problem, the receptionist is a low level wanna be con herself. She has a boyfriend who she tells everything too and they plan to get their hands on the car and make the money. They have no idea who they are dealing with. The boyfriend (you know I’m not learning their names right?) does somehow get the drop on Jett and mid episode she is knocked out. I have total faith in her ability to get out of this especially since the boyfriend spend a lot of effort telling Jett how badass he is. If you are badass you don’t have to tell people.

Photo Credit: Cinemax
Phoenix and Maria
At the house Phoenix is fitting in. She seems happy and after some talk of childhood trauma Maria seems to bond a little more with Phoenix. Turns out Maria’s Dad used her to traffic drugs at the age of 9 and Phoenix’s brother Neal is actually her step-brother. His Dad took off after cleaning out her mothers accounts.
Josie, the Detective, Bobby and Junior
Oh Josie – what were you thinking? A lot of shit went down this episode with them. Josie takes it upon herself to go talk to Bobby. She even tells him she is a cop and Bobby freaks out. Tells her to get away from him. This wouldn’t be so bad except one of Junior’s guys is watching Bobby and sees this interaction. Josie is acting out because her cop partner/boyfriend is staying with his wife. She won’t return his calls and she is even dating. Detective man doesn’t take this well, gets drunk and drives over to her house where he confronts her and her date. A date that looks a lot like the detective. Josie has a definite type. You think that is worst thing that could happen, and if you did think that, you would be wrong. WRONG. Moments after the detective takes off there is a knock on Josie’s door. It is Junior’s guys. They take Josie by force after killing her date. Being dragged to a warehouse in the dead of night in a t-shirt and underwear is never going to end well.
We are treated to a whole slew of crazy eyed speeches by Junior. What kind of place must Gentry White have to get into to pull this off so convincingly? Dark stuff. Junior wants to play a game of hangman with Josie. A wrong answer results in a loss of a limb. He doesn’t want to cheat though so he makes it a 4 letter word and gives her a vowel to start it off. She gets one letter right, but not two. HE PULLS OUT A CHAINSAW! Next thing we know her hand is on the ground. HAND IS ON THE GROUND! She manages to get away – not away away – but she runs and hides. She makes a valiant attempt, but Junior and his chainsaw catch up to her. She really should have stayed away from Bobby. And what happened to Bobby? Per Junior he played hangman and lost. Bobby took his balls off and is going to make a nice pasta sauce with them. You know, out of respect.
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JETT airs Friday at 10pm on Cinemax