JETT: Thoughts on Episode 5 “Bennie”
Jett brought us more amazing story this week. We are past the halfway point in the season and things are definitely just ramping up to be more wonderful and crazy. See what we thought of this week’s episode.
Bennie cleans up a mess; Evans briefs Jett on a new job for Bestic.
Bennie & Rosalie
Oh Bennie is in trouble. To quote Bennie’s friend, “Everything is medicine. Everything is poison.” Stalking Rosalie, and despite my love of Bennie this is stalking, was never going to end in a happily ever after. Her husband comes back and when Bennie hears the gun shot he heads up to her apartment to help her out. He says, “I feel responsible for your situation.” She obviously recognizes his face/voice and thankfully for Bennie is still in shock because she is waving around an illegally gotten gun that she has just shot her husband with. On the flip side Bennie is really the best possible person to show up after shooting your husband. Calm, collected, soothing voice…He makes some calls and everything is cleaned up in no time. Of course he gets carried away in his fantasy and for some reason BRINGS HER BACK TO HIS APARTMENT and then TURNS HIS BACK ON HER and also LET HER KEEP THE GUN. He’s lucky he only got hit with the gun and not shot as well.

Photo Courtesy of Cinemax
Cop Couple
Their personal relationship is degrading and I don’t see the ending well for them. She did the ‘we are ending this in hopes that you say you can’t live without me and now leave your wife and want me back’ ploy that never and I mean never works. They don’t leave their wives. He isn’t going to leave his. As soon as you start doing cop work on an emotional level things go south. Case in point detective lady (I will learn her name) follows Bobby on her own and gets made. Now Jr. has seen her face and he is 100% sure she is a cop. The only good thing to come of this is she saw Jr. and Salas together all buddy buddy.
Jr. and Bobby
As I said Jr. and Salas are meeting in a church and chatting all secretive. Looks like Jr. is really ready to take down his father. Shady bastard. And can we get a background on how Bobby ended up with Jr.? Please? He is the most naive (and maybe that is how) nice, quiet, pretty little thing. Jr. is going to end up killing him, yes? Bobby will not get out of this relationship alive.
To quote detective guy (again – will someday learn his name) “Jr. is crazy not dumb.” He may not be dumb but he sure is a little cocky. I suppose you would have to be with all of his scheming.

Photo Courtesy of Cinemax
Maria and Phoenix
We get more backstory on Maria and Jett. They come up with a way for her Maria to have Jett’s baby. It’s an interesting character point that Jett wanted to keep her baby. The plan works, obviously and we see Jett give birth and then Alice handed off to Maria who is playing the part of a social worker. Maria has raised Alice and it is really sad to see her declining health in the present. This is where Phoenix comes in. She pays off her brother and also head butts his dumb ass. He really is a dick. He trashed her apartment, was adamant she liked hooking, tried to make it sound like he has always been the only one there for her and then insinuated they had had sex back in the day when she was much younger. He is a terrible person. I’m glad Phoenix paid him off and got out of there. She really doesn’t have anywhere else to go though so she drives over to Jett’s. She and Jett come to an agreement, she will take care of Alice, drive Maria around to her appointments and generally be there to take care of things. Looks like Phoenix is the newest member of the Jett Household, she even seems to have Maria’s blessing.
Bestic and Evans
Turns out Evans was once married to Bestic’s sister. They have long been divorced, but Evan’s is still Bestic’s messenger. Evans suspiciously gives Jett “only good news” this time when they meet. He has another job for her, one of only three she has to pull before she and Bestic are even. He also lets her pick her crew and plan the job her way. Another win for Jett. We also get to see why Charles wanted the ring that he had Jett steal from Bestic putting this whole “game” in motion. Charles was engaged to a woman who later broke up with him and started dating Bestic. She died in a plane crash and I assume that since the ring was in her possession and she was with Bestic at the time of her death he got the ring and held onto it. Jett gets this information from a man who according to Maria is the most handsome. Blonde isn’t my thing however he was smooth – he does get quote of the week for asking Jett if she wants to, “…get a drink and talk for a few days”. Oh okay! Sign me up.

Photo Courtesy of Cinemax
Jett and Charles
Honestly – Carla should always wear red, and a hat. For the love of all that is good – did she not look like a sexy Carmen San Diego? Her vibe is everything! Everything. Not only does she look fantastic, but the framing of the shots with her walking into the hotel or sitting naked at the table were perfect. I was watching and thinking, I should start reading the paper. Seriously….best visuals on TV! And the even better thing is Jett seems to really like Charles, genuinely like him. His downfall is going to be painful to watch.
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JETT airs Friday at 10pm on Cinemax