BLOOD & TREASURE: Observations From “The Shadow of Projekt Athena”
Blood & Treasure was all new on Tuesday night, picking up where Danny and Lexi’s adventure in Casablanca continued. Here is a synopsis of the episode:
Danny and Lexi seek out a famed Nazi hunter whose research leads them to Montreal, where they suspect that the last of the Nazis who escaped with Cleopatra may still be alive and in hiding. Also, tensions between Gwen and Fabi come to a head.
I have done nothing but be annoyed with that man this whole season so far and then he has to go and die a heroic-ish death? What the hell! I mean even at the beginning of the episode I was annoyed with him. By the end though when he was running around with the shotgun I was all, “Team Fabi!” “Get it!” Of course Lexi told Danny about Fabi and the Brotherhood. They are close! The information that Lexi’s Mother was a member of the Brotherhood and Fabi’s partner was surprising. I did not see that coming. Fabi sure could keep a secret.
The Brotherhood
Speaking of The Brotherhood. Are they a cult? A sect? An agency? I’m confused by the part where Gwen, after inexplicably being able to run Fabi down and capture him, called him a double agent. So what if he wants to find Cleopatra. I don’t get the feeling The Brotherhood is using Cleopatra for the same reasons Farouk would. I need clarification on their exact purpose. I also need to know how they have been around for millennia and are now just being outed all over the place.
Which brings me to Gwen. Could that woman be anymore annoying? Could she? No. No she could not. What is her purpose exactly? She is there to help catch Farouk, right? I am curious what her mission is overall. I’m also curious how she took a phone trace and linked it to a murder. Did I miss something? Danny gives her a number, the number is in the precinct, Fabi is arrested, his coworkers all shun him, Gwen thinks she has a solid case for murder?
Operation Paperclip
Is that the worst kept classified file in the history of time? Every time Danny said the name to someone they were all like, “Yep. Heard of it.” “Yep. We know that operation.” Really everyone knows? Classified my behind.
I loved Lexi’s dismay at never encountering a Nazi and then glee at getting to send the last Nazi to hell. I was impressed with scary Nazi guys double taser. That was something. Honestly though – the second a man in a flannel, who lives alone in an abandoned power plant and rocks a mustache invites you in you run the other way. This is Survival 101 – I’m sure of it.
So she does or doesn’t have a super power? I mean the lightening and then subsequent flooding was “cool” but was it supernatural, bring the world to it’s knees cool?
Lexi and Danny
Oh how I love them. Love them….Love them! They have the witty banter I adore – the dam jokes were hilarious. They totally have each others back when it counts. Sure they bicker, but when it comes down to it Lexi is just as willing to sacrifice as Danny is. Lexi kicking in the door to save Danny and then putting herself in his place as the hostage was fantastic. He isn’t chauvinistic and she isn’t wilting. They clearly love each other – hello that kiss at the end – but they also realize they have been through a lot and not everything works in their favor.
“I thought you loved strudel!” “Not in this context!”
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Blood &Treasure will air its next episode on Tuesday, July 10 at 10/9c on CBS.