AGENTS OF SHIELD Roundtable: “Inescapable”
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD is back. Here’s the synopsis:
Fitz and Simmons have fought through space, time and alternate realities to find each other, and now, closer than ever, only their own demons can stop their mission.
Will we FINALLY get answers to the big questions about this season?
Join NiceGirls Rueben, Christie and Roz as we discuss the episode, using our ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: I could have done without Jemm’s demons and Leopold, but I get that we needed something horrible from their minds.
Rueben: Did we really need to see Jemma as a weird version of the little girl from “The Ring?” Did anyone else feel that way? And, monster Jemma and Leopold making out – GROSS! At least they had Jemma and Fitz commenting on how strange that was…
Christie: I want to like this episode. Any other season this would have been a decent one. But we only have 13 episodes this season, and we really need to get a move on.
Roz: I want to hug Enoch for finally getting the metaphorical balls to kill all those others from this planet to keep FitzSimmons from having to make a time machine.
Rueben: I loved the twists and turns of Fitz and Simmons within the prison of their minds especially seeing the ever escalating argument inside the containment pod, their first meeting with Coulson and even that little glimpse into Jemma’s childhood and their time at university together. Also, Jemma saving that nugget that he’s a grandfather for that last second. Priceless.
Christie: I enjoyed the trip through the little snippets in their past. I also feel like it’s setting us up for a hard ending with Fitz.
Roz: I’m all for this mind trip to get to a point for FitzSimmons, but it took too long in the end. I want more of that line from Mac about the team that killed Enoch’s planet (it’s Sarge and his group, right?)
Rueben: I had expected more of a make-out session by Jemma and Fitz in the opening scene given the fact this was the first real time they were together and could touch. Hugging is all fine and good, but they love each other and she’d traveled all over space looking for him. They couldn’t have made out even just a little bit?
Christie: Demon Jemma and Evil Leopold. Meh. I don’t think I need to see Evil Leopold in particular ever again.
Roz: As I asked above, Sarge is the one who killed Enoch’s planet right? Because they’re messing with things they shouldn’t?
Rueben: For the most part I liked this episode especially how Fitz and Simmons worked together within their own minds; and especially Enoch taking tragic measures to save them. Will they show up in the bunker with the rest of the team, though, or did Enoch end up sending them somewhere else since they are way out in space.
Christie: I’m once again left wondering which paradoxes and anomalies caused everything that’s going on… it can’t just be Fitz and Deke that are the problems. So is it tied to the larger events in the MCU?
Make sure to check out our coverage of the show here.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be back next week at 8/7c on ABC, with a new episode.