The 100 Recaps: “Momento Mori” and “Nevermind”

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It has been an intense two weeks on The 100. In last week’s episode we saw Josephine (in Clarke’s body) learning everything about Clarke from our favorite guy, who we love to hate, Murphy while the main characters all learned the awful truth about what Russell and Simone did to Clarke in order to get their “beloved” Josephine back.

And then we got to see, in this week’s episode, that Clarke was trapped inside a mindscape where the existing psyche of the host body is overtaken by the mind of the Prime. The problem with that is this is Clarke we’re talking about, and a walk down memory lane for her isn’t going to be as easy as Josephine seemed to think.

But first let’s talk about Murphy, our favorite little cockroach. The one guy who never die and always seems to find a way out of tough situation. It wasn’t any surprise, really, that he gave up all the intel on Clarke to Josephine OR that he tried to convince Bellamy, who was being held prisoner by some of Russell’s guards that he needed to prevent another war by keeping quiet about what really happened to Clarke.

Naturally, Bellamy picked up on Murphy’s lie pretty quickly, and only agreed to a deal with Russell in order to get his people out of Sanctum and into their own home on that Moon. It was an uncomfortable compromise, but one that Bellamy needed to make to ensure the safety of his people.

But leave it to Jordan to tell the returning Emori, Raven and Echo what the Primes are really up to: taking over bodies so they can live forever, and fooling all of the Sanctum “followers” that the Primes are Gods. Of course, Raven was pissed about everything, wanting to get them out of Sanctum ASAP so she reluctantly was working with Riker, one of the Prime, in order to learn how to recreate the radiation shield.

Elsewhere Madi was dealing with the Dark Commander, and despite Gaia attempting to help Madi perform a ritual that would remove him from her mind, let’s just say that things backfired. The Dark Commander tried to convince Madi to kill Gaia but Madi refused. In the end, after Madi learned the truth about Clarke, she not only banished Gaia [her teacher did restrain her in cuffs while in the realm of the Commanders] but also Madi told the vision of the Dark Commander that she needed to learn how to kill everyone in Sanctum. There is no revenge like a little girl scorned, huh?

As for this week’s episode, we got to take a crazy walk down memory lane with Clarke and Josephine; both battling for supremacy over Clarke’s body. Throughout the episode we got to see Clarke transform from who she was on the Ark, to who she was on Earth, to her time with the Mountain Men and then her time alone on the Earth with Madi. We saw Josephine chase Clarke through the Eligius ship that would transform to the Ark, to the underground home of the Mountain Men, the ring of Blood Reina and her home with Madi. It was quite a rollercoaster ride to say the least.

What made it worse was that Clarke seemed to give up in order to protect Bellamy and the rest of her people, that is until she was visited by Monty, who helped her reach a level of Josephine’s mind that seemed to set the psychopath over the deep end. It seemed before Josephine agreed to leave with her family on that fateful mission to the Sanctum moon, it was her fault that a young guy, who was obviously enamored with her, took his life right before her eyes.

As Josephine woke up in Clarke’s body, and paid a visit to her father who was meeting with Bellamy and Miller, working out arrangements for the survivors to get their own land and dome, Clarke had one ace left up her sleeve: she made Josephine tap out a Morse code message that caught Bellamy’s attention with a one word message. Alive. Being the quick thinker he is, Bellamy knew that it was Clarke and he planned to figure out a way to get their leader back.

Did you watch the last two episodes? What did you think of both? Are you hopeful that Bellamy can find a way to save Clarke? What do you want to have happen to Josephine and her parents? Please share your thoughts below.

[Momento Mori Photo Credit: Robert Falconer/Jack Rowand/Michael Courtney/The CW]

[Nevermind Photo Credit: Sergei Bahlakov/The CW]

The next new episode of The 100 will air on The CW on Tuesday, June 25 at 9/8c.

You can follow our coverage of The 100 here.

If you’ve missed any episodes or want to see them again, make sure to visit The CW.

Using her favorite online handle, Rueben is an East Coast-bred gal who is now a permanent Californian and a lifelong tv-oholic. She watches at least 25 TV shows a week, goes to the movies as often as possible, listens to music every waking moment, reads every day and “plays” on the internet every chance she can. Some of her current favorite TV shows are Outlander, Sweet Magnolias, Wednesday, The Mandalorian, The Equalizer, Fire Country, Matlock, Miss Scarlet, Hudson & Rex, SkyMed, The Rookie, Bridgerton, Virgin River, The Witcher, Leverage: Redemption and School Spirits. She is looking forward to new episodes of Reacher and 1923; the finale episodes of Cobra Kai and the debuts of the new dramas The Hunting Party and Suits LA. Follow her on Bluesky or contact her at Please also check out Rueben's Ramblings website for even more entertainment news.