Blindspot Roundtable: Masters of War 1:5-8″ and “The Gang Gets Gone”
The two-hour season finale of Blindspot aired on Friday night. The taglines for those two episodes are as follows:
“Dominic begins to enact Madeline’s cataclysmic scheme as the team rushes to stop him. Tensions rise as past secrets begin to unravel.”
“The team sets out on an international mission to stop an attack from spreading. Madeline attempts to turn the tables as internal conflict threatens relationships within the team.”
Join the NiceGirls staff as they discuss the episode using our new feature SASSY: S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(our Thoughts):
Roz: How is it that all of these big bads have really stupid reasons for doing so many awful things? This whole plan was all about Madeline’s father? I want to see something more rooted in an “evil” in the present, not that far into the past.
Cay: I had a hard time suspending disbelief that 1) this whole thing was about Madeline’s father 2) so many governmental people were part of the plot 3) no one but Weitz thought the whole thing was a bit too convoluted/contrived? These kind of plots are so frustrating – like when they put the Baudelaire orphans on trial in the Penultimate Peril episode of A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Rueben: I hated the bickering by the team on the plane, and how heavily convoluted this whole scenario worked out to be. I mean all the little things that drove us nuts throughout the season came into one puzzle, fitting together, but it was just so contrived and crazy. ARGH! Also, Burke wants revenge on the FBI over her daddy?! Give me a break!
Lisa: I didn’t like the fighting on the plane either Rueben and I really didn’t like Kurt saying they weren’t family (even though later he said he was wrong). Burke causing all this damage because of her father is hard to believe. It should have been a bigger motive.
Cay: I appreciated Rich’s selflessness and I also loved the reveal that Rich and Boston stole the Gardner paintings. I live outside of Boston and the theft of those paintings from the Gardner museum is still unsolved almost 20 years later despite a $10 million reward and is thus the stuff of legend. I also enjoyed Ice Cream.
Rueben: I loved the whole scene in the safe house, joking over the passports, Zapata touching Reade’s hand, their facial expressions to each other and all. I can’t stand her, but Burke’s reaction to the blackout at the end of the first hour was a bit priceless. It just showed how horrible of a person she is.
Lisa: Rich dot com! I loved how he had the team’s back through this whole craziness. He thought of every detail. Cay that is such a cool bit of info that I appreciate that they stole those paintings even more now.
Roz: I’m all for Ice Cream here and that story about the Gardner paintings. I wish we had more diversity today, but it is what it is.
Roz: Having Cathy and Madeline intersect into the finale was trying; I get that we’ve established these women as dangerous and deeply disturbed, but I want something better for the team at this point.
Rueben: Having Cathy involved AGAIN just seemed superfluous, but I guess that’s what got the team in the air to Iceland…
Cay: While they seem to have rebooted the series again for season 5, Madeline is still alive, so we may not escape that plotline. After all this time and so much diabolical behavior from her, her finally revealed motivation seems just meh.
Lisa: Yes! I agree Cay. After all the shit she has caused and all the build up, it all came down to her daddy/FBI issues. That was lame.
Cay: I’m really happy that this wasn’t the series finale. It would have been a sucky way to end it! However, it seems unlikely that they’d kill ALL of the team except Jane. My bet is that somehow they were warned and went into the tunnel under the house that Ice Cream showed them.
Rueben: OMG, that ending! If the show had been cancelled that would have been a horrible way to end things. I just want to see Madeline taken down, and then have the team work on cases they haven’t done before and find a happy ending for them all. No more jeopardy, no more bomb threats, no more crazy, convoluted missions – just give them a silver lining, a happy rainbow to follow and calm walks off into the sunset. After EVERYTHING they’ve been through their ending scenes need to be good!!
Roz: I hope that everyone who was still in that safehouse was able to get into the tunnels or else I’m going to be very weary of next season of Jane against Madeline. Though I think I’d pay to watch her take down that woman one-on-one.
Lisa: OMG! That ending left me shooketh!!! lol I am so glad we got another season for some closure and to see Madeline go down. I really hope that the team made it out alive. I can’t imaging the show with just Jane and Rich dot com. They had to be warned right?
“Masters of War 1: 5-8” Pictures:
[Photo Credit: Virginia Sherwood/NBC/Warner Brothers]
The Gang Gets Gone” Pictures :
[Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/NBC/Warner Brothers]
BLINDSPOT will be back for its final season on NBC at some point during the 2019-2020 TV season.
Make sure to check out our discussions of Blindspot here.