AGENTS OF SHIELD Roundtable: “Code Yellow”
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD was all new on Friday night, focusing on:
Yo-Yo and Keller take things public; parasitic aliens threaten the human race; and someone really needs boba…
Join NiceGirls Rueben, Christie and Roz as we discuss the episode, using our ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: I don’t hate Deke, but I do have to question why SHIELD let him do all of that work without some catch to keep him from thinking himself the next Zuckerberg.
Rueben: There were a lot of cringe-worthy moments where Deke is concerned especially the sexbot Daisy in his game. How did he get all the money for this company? Does he think all this future tech is going to make things better? Didn’t he learn anything from his time in the future? Le sigh!
Christie: Deke Shaw. Ugh. Wasn’t a fan of the character in the first place, not a fan of him coming back, and clearly only seeing the potential for profit and not learning apparently ANYTHING from his time with SHIELD, except for maybe what to steal from it.
Roz: Sequoia (Maurissa Tancharoen) was a lovely surprise to see acting again. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her and I love how over-the-top she got to be.
Rueben: I loved the takedown May gave Snowflake until Sarge showed up. Mack taking out that guy was pretty stunning too. Watching Mo guest star was pretty fun (although her character’s antics – especially the phone videos – were a bit too much).
Christie: Mack and May. Thank God they are still around. Plus, poor Mack clearly is suppressing all of his emotions to do his job, and I fear it will just lead to him blowing up.
Roz: I’m still so curious about Sarge and his team and now that zombie-bat took out Keller so I’m so confused about the whole over-arching plot.
Rueben: I DID NOT like what happened to Keller. This wasn’t “So-So” but WHY-worthy for me? You take a great character and turn him into that?! C’mon! We need to get some answers soon as to what in the h*ll is going on.
Christie: Once again, all this episode does is lead to more questions, and no answers. Ugh. I also feel like what went down with the parasite was a bit reckless. Why would you do any further autopsy in such an open facility? They should have gone to isolation with the body once they realized there was something inside. Jemma and Leo never would have let that happen.
Roz: We’re already a fourth of the way through the season and I’m still no better off than I was at the start. Answers to all our questions would be lovely.
Rueben: I want some answers to all these lingering questions. What is the deal with Sarge and his team? Why are they really there? Why did they introduce alien parasites into the show? When are we going to see Jemma and Fitz back together (granted the clip for the next episode shows them in scenes together), but can we get them BACK together? This season has been frustrating so far to say the least.
Christie: I hope next episode is FINALLY the answers episode. Also, I hope we finally learn if and how this may fit into the larger MCU or at least the MCU’s rules for time travel.
Make sure to check out our coverage of the show here.
[Photo Credit: ABC/Mitch Haaseth]
Given the fact this episode featured Deke, please check out our interview from Wonder Con 2019 with Jeff Ward and Iain De Caestecker:
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be back in two weeks, on Friday, June 14 at 8/7c on ABC, with a new episode.