The 100 RECAPS: “The Children of Gabriel” and “The Face Behind the Glass”
The last two episodes of the sixth season of The 100 have been filled with bountiful color and rare glimpses of happiness and content but also filled with intrigue, death and underhandedness.
In The Children of Gabriel, the survivors from Earth were not only surprised by the appearance of that group of children but also by all of the adults who soon followed those kids back into Sanctum. Their leader allowed Murphy to be treated by their community’s physician – given the fact that he had stopped breathing – but the remedy was rather gross: a snake that pulled the toxin from his body. That was a bit gross!
Once Murphy was treated by the physician, however, the team was locked up until the Primes – the descendants of the four families who originally colonized that planet – could determine their fate. As the episode rolled out, it was Clarke who had to impress upon Russell, Sanctum’s leader, to allow them to stay on the planet. Unfortunately, due to Jordan’s oversharing of details – especially those of Clarke’s dark past deeds, Russell informed Clarke they would have to return to their ship and leave.
The Children of Gabriel – masked figures who called the woods outside of Sanctum their home – revealed themselves to Diyoza, Madi and Gaia at the drop ship, hitting the three women with darts filled with a paralytic. Meanwhile, several of the guards from Sanctum and Kaylee – the surviving family member from those who stole the drop ship during the Red Sun – escorted Octavia, Bellamy, Echo and Raven toward the drop ship only to be left on their own when it was discovered the Children of Gabriel were near. Naturally, once our quartet were close to the drop ship to see what was happening, Octavia didn’t delay in swiftly taking the masked figures down. Her actions caused Bellamy to leave her behind.
It quickly became very apparent that the Children of Gabriel hate the people of Sanctum enough so that they not only kidnapped several of the girls from Sanctum but also beheaded several members of the Primes. But their kidnapping of Delilah – a young woman who was soon to be part of Naming Day, a special Sanctum ceremony – was thwarted by Clarke, which gave the Earth survivors a second chance at staying on the planet, but the child Clarke spoke with at the end of episode two – little Rose – was taken.
With the drop ship safely within the dome of Sanctum, Clarke and Madi were reunited and they learned of Octavia’s fate (being abandoned by Bellamy in the woods) but when Russell learned Diyoza’s identity – she is one of the faces on their wall of evil next to Hitler and Bin Laden – she was led outside the perimeter of Sanctum to also be abandoned.
In the final scene, Octavia confronted some of The Children of Gabriel only to be taken down by a poisonous plant, and learning that there is an “old man” in charge of the Children of Gabriel.
As the episode entitled “The Face Behind the Glass” opened, Diyoza is on her own, building a fire in the woods only to be surprised by motorcycle riders – two guards from Sanctum who are looking for the kidnapped Rose – made her an offer she couldn’t refuse: if she helped them get Rose back her baby – and only her baby – would be accepted and cared for within the walls of Sanctum.
It was Naming Day in Sanctum for Delilah with much celebration underway, including an elaborate cake, lots of food and wine and even a special dance. But first the four pillars of Sanctum had to be honored: repent, renew, rejoice and rebirth. Taking repent to heart, Clarke tried to make amends with Raven – who would have none of it – and Bellamy – who seemed more inclined to forgive Clarke.
Elsewhere in the woods, Octavia and little Rose were prisoners of the Children of Gabriel, but one of their members – Xavier – didn’t seem as driven as the rest to take Octavia and Rose to “the old man.” In fact, he left a weapon in close proximity to Octavia, allowing her to free herself and Rose. They were able to allude their captors, but only for so long before they were surrounded only to have Diyoza and the two Sanctum guards show up to provide rescue. Rescue for little Rose was short-lived, though, as she was shot when one of the Children of Gabriel reared up from the attack and a quick battle ensues between her and Octavia: sadly Rose was the fallen victim of that attack.
While Clarke was dancing with and later bedding Cillian, Sanctum’s physician, Raven ventured into Sanctum’s machine shop where she met Ryker, who she thought was merely a worker at the shop only to learn that he was also a member of the Primes. Clarke’s encounter turned a bit dire when Cillian hit Clarke with one of those paralytic darts, revealing he was actually a member of The Children of Gabriel, and that he planned to take Clarke to the “old man.” But when several Sanctum guards stopped him, Cillian slit his own throat, leaving Clarke paralyzed and at the mercy of Russell.
It turned out that Naming Day is much more sinister than it seemed. The host – in this case Delilah (who had quite the night with Jordan) – gives up their body to the consciousness of a formerly deceased member of the Primes. After the “ceremony” was performed on Delilah, she became the mother of Ryker [that was a crazy revelation] and she did not recognize Jordan. Worse yet Clarke – in her paralyzed state – combined with the fact that the guards returned with the dead body of Rose and it would be MANY years before another “host” would be available for the next Prime – Clarke was sacrificed to the procedure so that Russell and his wife Simone’s daughter – Josephine – could be implanted inside Clarke’s brain. Watching the altered Clarke stare at herself in a mirror, twisting her hair and saying this is something I can work with was quite chilling.
How did you feel about Bellamy leaving Octavia behind? Were you surprised that Diyoza was seen as someone evil in the eyes of those in Sanctum? What did you think of the spectacle of Naming Day? How disturbed were you by the revelation of what happens to the host on Naming Day? What did you think about what Russell and Simone did to Clarke? Please share your thoughts in our comment section below.
[Photo Credit (The Children of Gabriel): Diyah Pera/The CW]
[Photo Credit (The Face Behind the Glass): Shane Harvey/The CW]
The next new episode of The 100 will air on The CW on Tuesday, May 28 at 9/8c.
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