KILLING EVE 2.7: Thoughts on “Wide Awake” [Roundtable]
Villanelle made quite the impression on Aaron Peel last week… with a book. It was satisfying to watch, and re-watch. But from the previews it looks like it won’t be their last encounter. What does that mean for Eve’s investigation?
Here’s the description of this week’s Killing Eve episode, “Wide Awake”:
Villanelle dives deep into the dangerous world of her target under the guise of her newfound persona, Billie. Eve may have worrying competition for Villanelle’s affections.
Beware: *SPOILERS* ahead.

Henry Lloyd-Hughes as Aaron Peel, Jodie Comer as Villanelle – Killing Eve _ Season 2, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Gareth Gatrell/BBCAmerica
Christie: The scenes between Martin and Eve. It’s like one final warning that Eve can still turn back. But we know she can’t. Or won’t. Or both.
I also want to know how Villanelle manages to get through this episode without killing Aaron Peel. Because I’ve been wanting him dead for three episodes now.
Cara: I also enjoyed watching Eve with Martin. Adeel Akhtar is such a great character actor. Eve is in so deep, and I can’t even begin to predict how it’s going to turn out at this point.
Watching Villanelle squirm with Aaron Peel (he’s just the kind of person that requires a full name) was very good. I don’t mean it felt good because I was really uncomfortable, but it was so interesting to watch Villanelle respond to someone like him. If Christie and I want to murder him, how much worse must it be for V?

Edward Bluemel as Hugo, Sandra Oh as Eve Polastri – Killing Eve _ Season 2, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Gareth Gatrell/BBCAmerica
Christie: Aaron Peel. Just… all of Aaron Peel. Stop. Why isn’t he dead yet?!
That and Eve going for her “unemotionally sleeping with a co-worker” badge for Spy Scouts. Her transformation into Carolyn is nearly there. But she actually made me feel bad for Hugo in the process. Not cool.
Cara: How did this show manage to make Hugo a more human and sympathetic character than Eve in this episode? I mean, the detached sex thing is pretty played out. I did suspect Eve was eventually going to make a move on Huge, because why not hit rock bottom before she realizes how far gone she is? But, it also annoys me that Hugo was actually right in many ways this week. Until now he’s just come across as kind of a jerk, but I suppose he must be intelligent and capable for Carolyn to put him on the team. He called Eve out for firing Kenny, which was well-deserved. And, he’s questioning Villanelle’s alliance with them, which should be something anyone working with her does constantly. Then, he called Eve on using him sexually, which is really gross of her. Has this show actually made me start to appreciate Hugo? Ug, I think I need a shower.

Jodie Comer as Villanelle – Killing Eve _ Season 2, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Gareth Gatrell/BBCAmerica
Christie: I should have seen this coming a mile away, but Villanelle confronting Niko and Gemma and how that all ends. Argh. Niko just needs to get away.
Cara: Ok, I hated Gemma, but that was so undeserved. It did show Niko that Eve wasn’t just being selfish and making things all about her at the school, and it definitely showed him just how much Villanelle is focused on Eve. I can’t imagine how much this is going to haunt Niko. I think he finally understands that he’s in Villanelle’s world now, and just how scary that is.

Jodie Comer as Villanelle, Marko Leht as Evgeny, Renars Latkovskis as Gregor – Killing Eve _ Season 2, Episode 7 – Photo Credit: Gareth Gatrell/BBCAmerica
Christie: There’s a good reason why Kenny tries to stop Eve from going to Rome, and it’s because of his new job. I feel like next week will not end well for Eve, and I’m champing at the bit to learn how it all ends (for the season).
Cara: Yes, the ending is so close, and we know it won’t end well for Eve. There’s no way it could. I can’t wait.
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Killing Eve airs Sunday 8/7c on BBC America and AMC.