AGENTS OF SHIELD: “Missing Pieces” {Roundtable}
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD is back, Avengers Endgame has happened, but what does that mean for all of the Agents of SHIELD?
Karen, Rueben, Christie and I discuss the season premiere with the fallout of a lost colleague, new leadership and romance in unexpected places.

MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. – “Missing Pieces” – Scattered across the galaxy, the team works to find their footing in the wake of losing Coulson in the spectacular Season 6 premiere of “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” FRIDAY, MAY 10 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT, on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Mitch Haaseth)
Join us as we use our new ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: Jemma! Jemma! Jemma! I love you and I know you want your Fitz back, but that whole plan is risky and not at all good.
Rueben: Yeah, I have to agree with Roz. Jemma is SO damn smart, but I think she’s reached her breaking point by sending them into very uncharted territory – deep, deep space – when they and the Zephyr are all at the breaking point. Not. A. Good. Idea!!
Karen: I felt like there were a lot of misplaced “plans” in this episode. Including YoYo and her new beau. Why keep it a secret?
Christie: Jemma is going to dark places I don’t like. I can understand why she’s going there, given the history of FitzSimmons, I would be tired of this nonsense too. But who exactly will Leo go back to? Besides, I’m confused — how can they bring Fitz back anyway? Wouldn’t that mess with the new timeline?
Roz: Quake/Daisy’s powers used out in space is something I never expected to see, but it’s amazing!
Rueben: I love the new additions to the team. Lucas Bryant (from Haven); more of Piper and Davis and hell even Brooke Williams (from 12 Monkeys) even if she’s on the other side, working with Coulson’s doppelganger. I also love how in charge of her powers Daisy has become. She’s really come into her own.
Karen: I enjoyed the overall feel of the episode. Even though the team is broken up, they’re all working toward very impressive goals.
Christie: Daisy and Mack have developed into such amazing leaders, and May is still the matriarch. I liked how in control Daisy was. Also loved the scene where Yoyo and May were training, and Yoyo asked May if she was OK because she had so much in one go. LOL

MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. – “Missing Pieces” – Scattered across the galaxy, the team works to find their footing in the wake of losing Coulson in the spectacular Season 6 premiere of “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” FRIDAY, MAY 10 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT, on The ABC Television Network. (ABC/Mitch Haaseth)
Roz: Yoyo’s got a new man and I like that she’ll have a storyline separate from Mack for a while because of his new role as Director.
Rueben: I don’t think I have any so-so…oh wait, what was the deal with Fitz at the end. Who is this Controller he mentioned and why did his eyes turn like that after he injected himself. One of you ladies who are much better versed in the MCU, please help me understand coz I’m confused!
Karen: I would’ve liked a little more buildup to Simmons & Daisy on patrol. They jumped right in and it seemed super quick to ignition.
Roz: So I’m both relieved and annoyed that the show doesn’t have to deal with the Unsnap, because there is clearly so much I’d want to know about who did get snapped and unsnapped between Infinity War and Endgame. Also WHAT COULSON?!?!?!?!?!?!
Rueben: I think it’s good that they aren’t trapped in the unsnap (at least for now) because they have enough on their hands with this whole new team from those reality warp/time portals; and like Roz said – Coulson who isn’t Coulson. That’s gonna put everyone on edge for sure.
Karen: I’m excited to see where we go from here. I want FitzSimmons to be together quick though. They’ve had enough trouble already. Also, more cute guys! (Keller… /rawr)
Christie: I’ll be honest, I’m having trouble sticking with the show. I think it’s tough because Endgame is fresh in my mind and I don’t quite understand where the show is in the MCU now. Or is it EVEN in the MCU anymore? And are we getting into the multiverse now? TOO. MANY QUESTIONS!
Agents of SHIELD airs Fridays at 8PM on ABC.