KILLING EVE 2.5: Thoughts on “Smell Ya Later” [Roundtable]
Killing Eve Episode 4 last week was “How Eve Got Her Groove Back,” while Villanelle seemed to be having a tough time adjusting. This week’s episode is called “Smell Ya Later”:
The MI6 team make a pact with the devil in order to get information from The Ghost.
Let’s see what Cara and I thought about it.
Beware: *SPOILERS* ahead.

Sandra Oh as Eve Polastri, Jung Sun Den Hollander as The Ghost. Photo Credit: Robert Viglasky/BBCAmerica
Christie: Eve was ruthless. Villanelle was deliciously crazy. Jess was wise and possibly prescient. And Carolyn is up to something. What else is new? By the way, the psychopath training session was easily my favorite thing in the whole episode. Hilariously revealing.
Cara: Every week I say that Eve seems to be getting herself straightened out, and then she gets herself further and further into the crazy. She did seem genuinely altered after this encounter with Villanelle, and she actually got what she wanted from her. Plus, she turned Villanelle’s own behavior back on her after she got the answers she wanted from the Ghost. I guess it’s a good thing that we can’t predict what Eve is going to do next. Now what I want to know is what Carolyn is up to.
Christie: It’s a stretch to come up with something I don’t like. I would say the scene at the end with Niko makes me worried, because I keep feeling like we’re due for another major murder. And I worry it will be him. I also want to hug Kenny and tell him it will be OK. Eve is being a total ass to him and it’s not fair. And we know his Mom won’t give him the hug he needs.
Cara: There was so much build up for the Ghost, and the reality is disappointing. I wanted her to be another bad ass assassin. A rival for Villanelle. Sadly, no. Unless the Ghost is playing us, this was a pretty big let down.
Christie: I have to pick one? Just one? But it’s HARD! OK, same scene as Cara but I gotta know… what happened between Eve and Villanelle when they cut to black? My mind went to horrid places.
Cara: Eve pounding those pills was so intense. A real OMG moment. And then, Villanelle’s reaction… insane.
Christie: Easily my favorite episode of the season so far. And definitely feels right up there with the best of the season 1 episodes.
Cara: Look, I love Niko, so I’m very happy that he seems to be safe, but whether Eve’s marriage is safe, I can’t say. You’re screwing up, Eve. And, Eve might want to start listening to Kenny and Jess a little more if she doesn’t want to end up outside the law, or doing whatever Carolyn seems to be grooming her for.
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Killing Eve airs Sunday 8/7c on BBC America and AMC.