Victoria: A Public Inconvenience {Roundtable}
On Victoria this week:
Albert and Palmerston put their reputations on the line, and Victoria must fight against her better judgment to decide where to place her allegiance.

Victoria, Season 3
Episode Seven
Sunday, February 24, 2019; 9-10pm ET
Albert and Palmerston put their reputations on the line, and Victoria must fight against her better judgement to decide where to place her allegiance.
Picture Shows: Prince Albert played by Tom Hughes and Queen Victoria played by Jenna Coleman
For editorial use only.
Courtesy of Justin Slee/ITV Plc for MASTERPIECE
In this roundtable Cara and I are discussing both the personal and the professional aspects of Victoria’s life.
The Personal
Roz: Trying to woe Feordora into Victoria’s good graces is an odd choice, though it’s the one that makes the most sense given that she and Albert are always at odds right now. Nothing is going the way that anyone wants, but to use each other for other ends is a common practice.
To see that also play out with the Duke and Dutchess of Monmouth, because he’s always been a creep so it shouldn’t shock me that he thinks his wife mentally ill to keep her away from her paramour. GROSS!
Cara: I’m glad to see some improved relationships in Victoria’s life. Albert remarked on changing over 10 years of marriage, and the Queen does seem to be maturing and growing. I’m glad because I am far too emotionally invested in this to take much more.
The Duke of Monmouth is so horrible. What he does is not all that uncommon at the time. He married Sophie for wealth, and by locking her away in an institution, he gains control of that wealth without her being able to object. Previews for next week make it appear as if Victoria will intervene, so fingers crossed that our poor Sophie has some help soon.
I also enjoyed the wink at Bertie’s future womanizing ways this week. I love a good Easter egg.
The Professional
Roz: This situation with Albert trying to plan The Crystal Palace is one that we should marvel at, but there are other issues with all of the work that Albert and Palmerston are doing. Neither one is in the best place to make her mad, yet each is doing a good job of pushing her buttons. Why is it that neither of them are communicating properly still?
Cara: Lord Pam nearly did himself in, but he’s a wiley one and pulled through. I’m sad to see the Duke of Wellington go. That was quite touching.
Victoria continues on PBS Sundays at 9PM. Interested in what we had to say about the previous two seasons, see our recaps here.