DEADLY CLASS Roundtable: “Stigmata Martyr”
On the latest episode of DEADLY CLASS has Marcus and Maria dating in secret, the ramifications of Chico’s death and revelations about characters. Read on to find out what we thought of this week’s episode…
Leah: Every episode reveals another messed up relationship, or backstory that explains how a character got to where they are and I love that. I’m super happy with the character development overall. This episode reveals more layers.
Roz: It’s so different to see the relationship between Masters Lin and Gao explained in such a small scene. That they’re brother and sister forced into drastically different roles as leaders in Kings sets up so many other issues of how Marcus, Saya, Maria, Billy and Willie are going to be in the wake of Chico’s murder.
Ange: I like that the show puts different characters in the spotlight during different weeks and that they’re slowly pulling back some of their layers and allowing us to learn more. It was interesting to see the dynamic/conflict between Master Lin and his sister and also delving more into Maria’s backstory. I also enjoyed the flirtation between Willie and the comic book girl.
Roz: Oh well, Chester’s an effing piece of work and I still don’t understand what he wants from Marcus. Marcus gained some fame from the Boys Home deal, but if Chester came forward I’m not sure it’d make a different in how the media sees either of them. Marcus still looks the innocent victim and Chester hardened and corrupted by the fire.
Leah: His bid to get on Donahue and have a book deal is ridiculous. Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t care about the Chester story at all. Also, I’m still not Team Maria.
Ange: I’m not a fan of Chester, nor Marcus and Maria being a thing.
Roz: I didn’t hear much music this week, but I love a reference to “Somebody” is good, but so is some “Spellbound”
Ange: Yeah, the Depeche Mode reference was fun.
You can follow along with our coverage of the show here.
DEADLY CLASS airs Wednesday 10/9c on SYFY