A Million Little Things: The Rock
On this week’s A Million Little Things:
Eddie and Katherine’s divorce mediations become complicated, and Rome’s brother makes an unexpected visit. Meanwhile, Gary and Maggie attempt to check an item off her bucket list.
Check out what Cay and Rueben had to say about the episode:
Once again, Gary wins best friend, boyfriend, and wingman! He’s a real keeper – love that everyone calls on him when they need help, although I think he needs to spend a bit more time taking care of himself. The scene when he found out that his old chemo bud had died and then gets newly freaked out about Maggie was painful! It already looks like they are setting next week up as a “very special episode” when Maggie gets her surgery. Ugh, I just want it over with as much as they do at this point!
As an aside, I want to point out that Plymouth Rock was one of the biggest disappointments of moving to Massachusetts – it is underwhelming, at best!
I’ll admit that I kind of found myself rooting for Katherine and Eddie to get back together after her wreck.
Rome’s brother is a piece of work, but I like that Rome had some serious discussion with his father and that he could also talk with his brother by the end. Also glad that Gina seems pretty stable this episode.
Just when I thought we weren’t going to get any more pieces of or allusions to our mystery woman, along comes Barbara Morgan, seemingly with a lot of guilt on board. Can’t wait to find out what is going on with that.
You pretty much took the words out of my mouth, Cay. I wasn’t sure at the very beginning of the show if I was going to like Gary, but he quickly became my favorite. As Eddie said, Gary has matured a lot since Jon’s death and since Maggie came into his life. I felt so bad when he learned the news of Linda’s passing at the treatment center, as it really seemed to affect him more than he probably expected. How that will play out for him and Maggie next week will be interesting to see. I want Maggie to be okay after her surgery. I agree that next week’s episode will probably be as you said, Cay, a “very special episode” of the show and will probably give us some nail biting since we’re nearing the end of the first season.
I have to admit seeing Delilah realize that she was the reason for Danny and Elliott having trouble in their relationship was quite priceless, as I saw that coming the minute she said they looked so cute together. But it was great that Gary, once again, was able to help out. It was quite entertaining to see them all turn to Gary and Maggie for help.
It’s about time that Rome blow up about his situation with his family, as you could feel the tension rolling off him the minute his father told him that his brother was in time. Just because one sibling seems to have it all together or one seems to be a flake all the time doesn’t mean that’s what’s actually going on. Perhaps Rome, his dad and brother can start being more honest and open with each other.
I felt bad for Regina, though, that the food blogger that she was hoping was at the restaurant to do a review wasn’t actually there. I think she needs a big win after what happened last week.
I’m not quite sure how I feel about the whole Eddie/Katherine situation. Of course, he was worried about her after the car accident, but I don’t think in the long run any attempt for them to reconcile just might do more harm than good.
And how about that ending?! Just when it seemed like they all might be moving on to the next phase of grieving – acceptance, that is – Barbara Morgan shows up in her car, watching Delilah from across the street. What is up with that?! I’d really like to know her connection to Jon – which seemed to be what is going to happen in next week’s episode – but just how complicated is that whole storyline going to become?
[Photo Credit: ABC/David Bukach]
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Watch A Million Little Things on Thursdays at 9/8c on ABC.