MANIFEST Roundtable: Cleared for Approach
This week on Manifest:
Michaela uses her detective skills to find out more about Zeke; Ben’s family is impacted as public disdain for the passengers rises.
Join us as we use our new ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Rueben: That Ben would go to the place of business for that guy suspected of throwing the brick through his home’s window without thinking that that action wouldn’t have any ramifications. Sometimes for a smart guy he doesn’t some dumb things.
Cay: Agreed! What good was going to come of that encounter? I’ve certainly done dumb things when I was angry before, but still… Also, Ben and Grace were scrubbing away, but none of the paint was moving – it’s like they didn’t want to have to re-do it between takes.
Roz: Oh yes, this was so bad! What the hell Ben?

MANIFEST — “Cleared for Approach” Episode 113 — Pictured: (l-r) J.R. Ramirez as Det. Jared Vasquez, Josh Dallas as Ben Stone — (Photo by: Peter Kramer/NBC/Warner Brothers)
Rueben: The change in the calling for Michaela each time she touched Zeke. And then when they touched hands at the end, there was no calling, but instead they saw that pictogram and the lightning lit up the sky. What’s up with that?
Cay: I liked the change of scenery of having Zeke and Michaela out in the woods. And following the calling and then seeing the lightening – what the heck is that? What determines how long you disappear for when you come into contact with the lightening? I also liked the fact that Cal told Olive about the callings
Roz: That lighting moment at the end after all of those changing callings is a great twist. So if that is another data point, did someone disappear at that moment? Will we meet them?
Rueben: The red “X” on the door to Saanvi’s office at the hospital. She’s the only one to see it when the cleaning guy was right down the hall and that other guy was in the supply closet. Really?
Cay: I thought the two men ignoring the “X” was also weird!
Roz: Yeah, that X is not a good sign and I don’t know what we should do with that small piece.

MANIFEST — “Cleared for Approach” Episode 113 — Pictured: (l-r) Luna Blaise as Olive Stone, J.R. Ramirez as Det. Jared Vasquez, Josh Dallas as Ben Stone, Athena Karkanis as Grace Stone — (Photo by: Peter Kramer/NBC/Warner Brothers)
Your Thoughts:
Roz: How are we going to wrap up so many things in three episodes? Those Xs are one thing, that new hate group is another but how many questions are we going to be left with into season two?
Rueben: We’ve only got 3 episodes left and there are still SO many lingering issues hanging out there. We need to get some answers and soon.
Cay: What determines for how long you disappear when you come into contact with the lightening? What’s up with the peacocks? What are the “X”s marking them for? Is the hate group totally separate, or is it related to the government plot with the Major? So.many.questions!
Manifest airs Monday 8/7c on NBC
You can check out all of our previous Manifest coverage here.
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