MANIFEST Roundtable: Vanishing Point
This week on Manifest:
When Cal (Jack Messina) is discovered missing from his bedroom, Grace (Athena Karkanis) and Ben (Josh Dallas) launch a desperate search which takes them to the remote mountains of upstate New York. A tantalizing trail of breadcrumbs leads them to a startling, game-changing discovery. Meanwhile, Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) confronts the deceptive Autumn (Shirley Rumierk), and the shadowy “Major” finally makes an appearance. Also starring J.R. Ramirez and Luna Blaise.
Join us as we use our new ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: Oh Cal! Why are you leaving the house for the sake of your visions without telling anyone? I worried that he had actually been kidnapped.
Rueben: Yeah, I have to agree. I was worried he was really kidnapped, that the Major had finally come to get him. I wasn’t expecting that turnaround at all.
Cay: I suspected all along that he’d left. Definitely seems unwise to do so without telling anyone!

MANIFEST — “Vanishing Point” Episode 112 — Pictured: Melissa Roxburgh as Michaela Stone — (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC/Warner Brothers)
Roz: We finally find the guy who Michaela was seeing and he’s lost a year? WHAT EVEN?
Rueben: And, I loved that it’s Matt Long playing Zeke. How did he go missing for a year and how is that connected to 828. We get answers to why Cal left, and the visions Mick was having; but it’s just another layer of mystery and no answers to linger questions from previous episodes though.
Cay: Cal’s drawings were really cool and he uses public transportation like a boss!
Roz: If Grace knows more about the issues with 828 now can we be done with Ben living with Michaela?
Rueben: Yes, I have to agree, Roz. Can we get Grace and Ben back together. Not that I want to see Daniel Sunjata out of the show, but we need the core family together. Now that Grace is in the loop maybe, somehow she can be of help to them. It’s better than how she’s been in the dark until now.
Cay: yeah, it seems that Grace may have had a change of heart, but we’ll see. I think it’s safe to say that she realizes that some serious wacky sh– is going down.

MANIFEST — “Vanishing Point” Episode 112 — Pictured: (l-r) Josh Dallas as Ben Stone, Athena Karkanis as Grace Stone — (Photo by: Michele K. Short/NBC/Warner Brothers)
Your Thoughts:
Roz: So we finally know who the Major is but what else is she planning with that move to New York?
Rueben: Agreed, Roz. Glad we finally got the reveal (and that it’s actress Elizabeth Marvel from Person of Interest and Homeland – I recognized her face right away). I have to say given how they’ve been going on about “the Major” I thought she’d play it more menacing. I didn’t get that “feeling” [er, calling…] at all. But as I said earlier, we still have lingering questions that need to be answered. When are those going to be given?
Cay: Marvel has kind of cornered the market on playing shady government officials, although her character on POI turned out (like most of the characters on POI) to be more complex morally than she originally seemed. ALSO…I have LOTS of questions about the hiker and how you can apparently WALK through whatever wormhole whatever the plane went through. If that’s true, who else has gone through? And why a different time jump?
Manifest airs Monday 8/7c on NBC

MANIFEST — “Vanishing Point” Episode 112 — Pictured: J.R. Ramirez as Jared Vasquez — (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC/Warner Brothers)
You can check out all of our previous Manifest coverage here.