MANIFEST Roundtable: Contrails
This week on Manifest:
Ben heeds Cal’s calling to help Captain Daly clear his name for what happened to Flight 828, and the journey uncovers a seeming conspiracy that stems all the way back to the day the plane disappeared. Meanwhile, Michaela assists Autumn in her own journey of redemption.
Join us as we use our new ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: Why is that binder not hidden something better? Shouldn’t Michaela have a safe for her gun? Put it there!
Rueben: Michaela hid that binder in one of her dresser drawers? Really?! That just seemed like such a stupid thing to do.
Leah: I am with Rueben on this one, and below you will see that we give Michaela credit for being NYPD and knowing things. What was she thinking?
Cay: Well, if she hadn’t put it there, it wouldn’t have been found, and then they would have needed a different plot device!
Roz: Daly’s entire lift post 828 returning is compelling and it was great to see him shine, even if it was for the wrong reasons. What he wanted to do – clearing his name – is more than honorable, and his obsession took him too far.
Rueben: I was impressed with Captain Daly’s intentions – even though he went way too far with it all – but you can’t fault the guy for wanting to prove his theory. It’s just so wrong that he took Fiona with him.
Leah: I like the episode “main character” being the pilot, Daly. It never really occurred to me that he would have been blamed for what happened. I can also easily see him spiraling into conspiracy crazy territory if his wife and kid don’t even believe him.
Cay: I also thought this was all pretty cool. The different attempts with the flight sim were not only a great visual, but also very interesting. I loved Ben’s comment about “did you expect that we’d just jump five years in time” after they added the info about the “storm” to the flight sim. While I was impressed with the pilots dedication to finding out what happened, I didn’t really expect him to try to actually recreate the flight in a real plane!
Roz: The bad guys are dumb; Michaela is a cop who can figure out what’s going on.
Rueben: Did Autumn really think that Michaela wouldn’t figure out what she’s doing; she is NYPD after all.
Leah: Rueben – She is NYPD with PREMONITIONS! Honestly people!
Cay: Admittedly, though, Autumn did fool her initially…
Your Thoughts:
Roz: Why take a kid? I get that Cal may be the keystone to all of the mysteries, but the bad guys put one and one together pretty quickly.
Rueben: So, who took Cal or did he leave on his own? Are we going to finally get some answers based on next week’s clips? What is the deal with Michaela’s snowy visions in connection to where Cal ends up? After all this time we need to get some answers to some of the lingering questions.
Leah: Can we please get some answers? I agree that next week’s clip is leaning that way, but I am getting to the point where if i don’t get answers soon I will not be able to continue with this show.
Cay: I find myself wondering about the pilot and the doctor – 5 years seems to be a long time to be gone to prove your point! Although I guess to him it won’t feel like 5 years, but for Ben and everyone else, not all that helpful. My gut feeling is that Cal left on his own, probably following a calling of his own?
Manifest airs Monday 8/7c on NBC
You can check out all of our previous Manifest coverage here.