Murphy and the crew are trying to bring the war in Afghanistan back in the public eye but fighting against the lack of attention span in modern media. Meanwhile, Avery is wallowing in misery after lashing out against the Wolf network. He just might have found something to get him back in the game though.
Old News
Roz: That Millennial kid who got fired within two minutes is a new low for the bad EA pool. I find it amusing that finally Murphy gets someone younger than Pat to be her new assistant, but he was so underqualified it hurt me. Also, he was a poor stereotype of a certain type of Millennial that makes me want to force all rooms for shows with someone under 35 on staff.
Cara: I loved seeing Murphy chasing down the general as he tried to evade her question. It felt like classic Murphy. But, I didn’t care for the slam on millennials at all . I know the assistants rely on the showing us the worst of all walks of life, but this one was particularly over the top. Then again, the show skews to an older audience, so I suppose it was probably better received there. I did like that Pat got to give a little bit of a rebuttal with his comments about repaying his student loans in 19 years (I feel ya, Pat).
New News
Roz: I’m so proud of Avery for going out there and being a truly investigative reporter after this fall out from Wolf News. It shows that he’s serious about the situation affecting people in Afghanistan, but also makes him feel useful in an industry that can’t rely on embedded work any more.
Cara: Avery is definitely Murphy’s son, and it is an important thing that he’s doing. It’s interesting to see Murphy as the one left home while he’s out reporting. She’s always been on the front lines, and now she’ll be stuck behind her anchor’s desk while her son’s out chasing the story.
The season finale, Happy New Year, will air December 20 on CBS. See all our coverage of Murphy Brown here.