A Million Little Things: Christmas Wishlist
On this week’s winter finale of A Million Little Things:
Delilah struggles with telling Sophie and Danny about her pregnancy; the gang comes together to help the Dixons’ embrace the Christmas spirit.
Here are Cay’s and Rueben’s thoughts:
Holy cow, there were a whole lot of Holy cow moments in this episode. Regina is very randy and wants to get busy with her husband, but he just isn’t able to. Is it because of the pills? The pills that he needs to help with his depression. And then he turned around to say that he wants to get off the meds. Is that a good idea?
Didn’t we see it coming that there was more to Jon than meets the eye? He even said so much. “I’m not the man everyone thinks I am.” ARGH! And that kiss between him and Ashley. We saw that coming, though, didn’t we? That brings me back to Ashley keeping things hidden from Delilah (especially being served and ordered to be out of the house in 21 days, holy cow!). We better get some answers as to what was really going on between Ashley and Jon AND what he did to get himself and his family into such dire straits.
So, Gary figured out that Maggie is on chemo. It only took her throwing up in his new car and all over him. And then he kissed her. Sure it was sweet, but that could not have tasted good at all. Yuck!
I’m glad that Sophie handled the news about her mom being pregnant as well as she did. I was worried there would be some kind of meltdown. But how long are Delilah and Eddie going to be able to keep the truth from everyone.
I really enjoyed the version of “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” that Eddie and Sophie came up with after they all decorated the tree together. That was fun to watch and listen to.
Let’s also hope that Eddie doesn’t slip back into old patterns now that he is heading out on the road with his former bandmates. I give Katherine credit for telling him “please don’t drink.” Listen to your ex, Eddie!
It was also rather funny how Gary and Maggie teamed up against that husband and wife at the Christmas tree light to move up in line.
I’m glad we didn’t have to wait too long for Gary to find out about Maggie’s chemo, and that he was straight with her about sleeping with Ashley. Speaking of Ashley – we are halfway through the season and still no reveal of the papers that she hid, although the eviction notice certainly provides a clear indication that Jon was into stuff that none of his friends or family realized. I’m interested to see how the house issues are resolved.
I’m with you, Rueben – Sophie took this reveal well, but how could she not find out sometime sooner rather than later who the father is? And she’s going to feel doubly betrayed by not just her father, but also Eddie!
I’m liking Katherine a lot more in this episode. I would have never pictured her as the make a gingerbread house and sew a costume kind of mother, but I like it. OTOH, wasn’t candy and sugar and gluten on that big list of things that Theo wasn’t allowed to have a few weeks ago? That list seemed to have certainly come from her rather than Eddie. Maybe a mistake in continuity here, which may have been why the scene, while appreciated, didn’t seem to fit the character.
My heart goes out to Regina and Rome. I have to give the writers credit that they are not resolving this plotline all quick and neat. And Rome’s comments that he wants to come off the meds suggests that the new year may bring a relapse. But at least Regina will be there for him this time.
[Photo Credit: ABC/Jeff Petry]
RELATED: A Million Little Things: Perspective
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The next episode of A Million Little Things will air on its new night – Thursday – January 17 at the new time of 9/8c on ABC.