Comic Con
VIDEO! Nightflyers Eoin Macken & Jodie Turner-Smith Get Candid About FEAR
Nighflyers is here! The series is based on a novella by George RR Martin and is set in the year 2093. This chilling psychological series follows a team of scientists who are on a journey to discover other life forms which may help save their own dying planet.
Jodie Turner-Smith’s character is Melantha Jhirl a incredibly gifted genetically enhanced, highly intelligent cadet from the Genetic Space Program. She was the “best and the brightest’ from her class and hand selected by Karl D’Branin (Eoin Macken) to be his first officer aboard the Nightflyer.
Eoin Macken explains his characters choice with Melantha by choosing someone who would be loyal to his viewpoint. “Karl needs to put together a crew of scientist that trust him to go into space. There is no proof that what he [believes] is valid. Mel is there along with some of the other scientist to be a support structure to meet the aliens and is the only one who has any idea what being in space constitutes.” 3.46
Macken reveals things go bad really quickly for those aboard the Nighflyer and “things get intense very quick. “The crew of the Nighflyer don’t want the scientists aboard while at the same time none of the scientists apart from Mel want to be on the mission either.
If “you’re suppose to be this perfect being and (if) you’re not, then, who are you?”
The show plays up on their own personal fears. Karl’s reasons for being on the Nightflyer revolve around his personal beliefs and how much he is willing to sacrifice for them. Jodie explains Mel’s center around purpose. ” More than anything her biggest fear is of failing, of not being able to do this thing she spent her whole life” working toward. If “you’re suppose to be this perfect being and your not. Then, who are you?” 7.35
You look back and you are like…Holy F*ck!
That just happened!
“It’s a very visceral complex emotional show I was exhausted in a great way when we finished the show. You look back and you are like…Holy F*ck! That just happened! It’s the kind of show I am excited about.” 7.49
Nightflyers continues tonight at 10pm only on SyFy! Jodie Turner-Smith will be live tweeting along with fans! Please join with us ( @nicegirlstv & @PxlWvr) as we live tweet as well. For more Nighflyers video check out their entire panel at San Diego Comic Con.