MANIFEST Roundtable: Off Radar
After a two week break, Manifest was back with a new episode last night. The episode entitled “Off Radar” focused on:
“When Cal (Jack Messina) wakes with a life-threatening fever, Grace (Athena Karkanis) worries it’s a side-effect of his experimental cancer treatment, but Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) and Ben (Josh Dallas) suspect Cal’s condition may be related to a mysterious passenger from Flight 828. As Cal’s situation worsens, Ben and Michaela attempt to track down the now-missing passenger.”
We are using a new ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) Y(Your Thoughts):
Roz: Okay who the hell is keeping the secrets in this universe? I don’t like that we had a bait and switch with this episodes on who is the real big bad. Vance’s team is still doing something, but I’m guessing that UDS is doing something much much worse.
Leah: I am pretty iffy on mythology shows. I get too annoyed too fast when too many things start happening. So a new one old big bad shadowy organization is not going to work for me.
Rueben: So there is someone out there controlling all of this, and Vance doesn’t know anything about them? They are on the 6th investigative panel digging into what really happened with the plane with no real results? I’m getting a little tired of being led around without any kind of resolution of the dangling storylines.
Roz: People on the show that weren’t on the plane talked to people off the plane about the experience? WHAT? I think Ben, Michaela and Saanvi need other allies so I’m glad we have two in Grace and Jared, though is it too late to get real work done?
Rueben: I was pleased that the siblings finally came clean with Jared and Grace. It’s about time actually. I also have to admit that I was glad that Olive wasn’t in this episode. I didn’t miss her at all.
Leah: Did our Ben and Michaela tell the people in their life the truth? This makes me happy. I hate the ridiculous secrets.
Roz: Ben’s probably a horrible poker player, right? Why is he showing his hand this early?
Leah: I don’t really have a so so this episode.
Rueben: I was so-so with Ben going to Vance with what he knew. What did he think he was going to get out of him? Sure it spurred Vance on to check out the farmhouse – albeit too late – but it didn’t really help matters – at least not yet.
Your Thoughts:
Roz: Can we get a smaller scale episode that doesn’t remind me of just how many levels of bad are hanging above all the 828 passengers?
Rueben: Are we going to get answers to what happened to the plane, what was that shadow all about, why were those various people idolizing the passengers. Quit giving us more and more mysteries and solve some of the ones already laid forth.
[Photo Credit: Craig Blankenhorn/NBC/Warner Brothers]
The next new episode of Manifest will air on Monday, November 12 at 10/9c on NBC.
Check out all of our Manifest coverage here.