A Million Little Things: I Dare You
On this week’s A Million Little Things:
Gary and Maggie play a game of Double Dare while a health crisis finally gets Rome and Gina talking. Eddie accompanies Delilah to her first sonogram appointment.
Here are Cay and Rueben’s thoughts:
Appreciating Gary even more this week – love how he is so accepting and supportive of Danny and how he challenges Maggie but also supports her and is pretty much everybody’s go to wingman. Speaking of Maggie and Gary, they need to stop pretending that they aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend! They are together constantly and he’d vowed to stick with her, despite his misgivings – if that isn’t a relationship, what is?
Maggie, Maggie, Maggie – so clearly her cancer is really bad – it must be in her bone marrow if she’s having trouble with bruising. This is the first time we’ve really seen drop her guard and acknowledge things. I hope she doesn’t stay away from Gary too long – I think they need each other!
Katherine didn’t waste any time going out with the guy from work, but I’m feeling much more sympathetic to her again. The guy at work is a bit too slick, though. The whole Eddie-Delilah baby thing is so complicated – how long is she going to wait to tell her kids and will she manage to keep its parentage a secret? At least both Eddie and Jon are dark-haired!
I agree with you Cay that Gary has become more and more endearing as each week goes by even though in the beginning I didn’t really care for him (even though I love James Roday). However, he has become my favorite character overall. I really loved the whole singing in the dumpling palace scene too. That was priceless!
That being said, though, I am really concerned for Maggie with the revelation of her bruises. How long will she be able to put up with her condition before she finally relents and gets treatment. Or, will she remain hard-lined. I have to wonder if – given the flashbacks she was experiencing – if she’ll maybe reconsider?
That whole scene between Eddie and Delilah at her ultrasound had to be SO hard for him. I actually feel a little sorry for him given the circumstances, but at the same time, I don’t. What a complicated mess this is going to be. Makes for great TV though, right?
I felt so bad, also, for Rome dealing with that kidney stone; and maybe this will start him and Regina on the path of being honest about his mental health. We can hope right?
- ABC/Jack Rowand
- ABC/Jack Rowand
- ABC/Jack Rowand
RELATED: A Million Little Things: Unexpected
What are your thoughts on the new episode of the ABC drama? Please share your thoughts with us in our comments section.
The next episode of A Million Little Things will air on ABC on Wednesday, November 7 at 10/9c.