MANIFEST Roundtable: Connecting Flights
Cal’s role as a passenger on Flight 828 was finally revealed in this week’s episode of Manifest. After he and Ben (Josh Dallas) spend a day being random, Cal finds his way to Thomas in the old mall of Kelly Taylor before a big reveal as to what happened to those on board Flight 828. See what we Nice Girls have to say about “Connecting Flights”.

MANIFEST — “Connecting Flights” Episode 105 — Pictured: Jack Messina as Cal Stone — (Photo by: Craig Blankenhorn/NBC/Warner Brothers)
We are using a new ratings system known as SASSY – S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) Y(Your Thoughts)
Roz: Vance again! I can’t with his mustache-twirling for the sake of intel on both Michaela and Thomas.
Leah: I like to “complain” that Roz always gets the best thoughts in first and my comments are then just agreeing with her, but I’m okay with it. Mostly because SHE IS ALWAYS RIGHT! Why? Why do we always have to have the most ridiculous of villains? This show is interesting enough without him and his over the top shenanigans.
Cay: Yeah, I think they need to give us a bit more of the story for Vance. He’s a menace but his character is empty other than being the villain of sorts.
Rueben: Yeah, I’m really not liking Vance. He’s a villain for villain sake in terms of having the antagonist in the story, but why is he so driven to think that the passengers are so nefarious?
Roz: Cal’s ability to get to some of the big mysteries of the flight without the same trappings of Ben, Bethany, Michaela, or Saanvi. He’s something special that we don’t have a name for yet, but I can’t wait to find out.
Cay: Obviously lots of the adults from the plane are hearing voices and having visions, but there’s definitely a “sixth-sense” vibe when Cal does it! There’s something about deadpain prescient pronouncements from young children that have an extra heft/creep-factor. And that was BEFORE he stared out the window of the plane at that light!
Rueben: Agreed. Watching Cal lead his dad to Thomas. How? What is controlling the “feelings” that he gets? Is he affected different because he is younger or just because he saw whatever that light was outside the window of the plane when it seemed like everyone else was sleeping?
Leah: Whenever there is a child in a mythology/mystery show I get excited. They always get to experience it differently and have different insight. Can’t wait to see how this plays out.
Roz: Olive’s storyline and how it’s drawing in Danny and his relationship with Grace. We get that she had moved on, but it’s getting tired to see her pushing and pulling to find her footing.
Leah: You don’t cast Daniel Sunjata unless you plan to use him but I just do not care about that story line at all.
Cay: I actually like it better than I thought I might – it brings in a different POV with regards to Olive’s teen angst. I liked getting her backstory. I think it’s only fair that she should get to continue to have a relationship with him.
Rueben: I’ve got to agree with Leah. You do not bring Daniel Sunjata into the show and not use him. It was good to get some backstory on Olive, but I still found her to be an annoying pre-teen; it’s bad enough that she’s been this antsy teenager, but she got started at the age of 12. ARGH!
Your Thoughts:
Roz: What the hell did Cal see? That light? WHAT?

MANIFEST — “Connecting Flights” Episode 105 — Pictured: Jack Messina as Cal Stone — (Photo by: Craig Blankenhorn/NBC/Warner Brothers)
Cay: No kidding!?! That whole scene had a huge aliens/X-files vibe to me. Overall, I liked this episode more so than the last one.
Rueben: Yeah, I want to know what that light is too, and how does that connect to the shadow that Cal was drawing; and when are we going to get an answer to what that shadow is, and why those people were camped outside Bethany’s house; the guy at the police station who told Michaela “they are the chosen”. What is up with these seemingly random little things that obviously have something to do with the storyline but then are never answered. C’mon, give us some clues or insights.
Manifest airs Mondays at 10/9c on NBC, but the next new episode will air in two weeks. Check out all of our Manifest coverage here.