BBC America
DOCTOR WHO: The Ghost Monument {Roundtable}
This week the Doctor and her companions found themselves on a dangerous planet called Desolation in the final stretch of the Rally of the 12 Galaxies. The Doctor is still getting to know her new companions, and we’re still getting to know her, so we’ll stick to some broad questions for now.
What do you think of this week’s monster(s) and scenario?
Cara: This week had a couple different kinds of monsters. There were robot guards, which felt pretty typical, and the fabric…snake…well, I don’t think I really caught exactly what they were. Plus, it looks like we haven’t seen the last of the very toothy Stenza either. *shudder* The big monster for me this week was the cruelty of people. I know that’s a running theme of the show, but this season seems to have jumped right into the idea that cruelty and indifference are one of the great threats in the universe.
Roz: I find it interesting that after hearing so much that the season was going to be stand-alone episodes, we have the running thread that the Stenza are still a threat to the Doctor and everyone we meet. The whole planet as a means of being cruel is apt, but not something I want to be reminded of (though I probably should), and it was a good way to have a monster be both the physical cruel items as well as a planet designed to kill.
Now that we’ve seen the companions in their first off-world experience, what are you developing impressions of them and their relationship with each other and the Doctor?
Cara: I think I’ve warmed to Graham most of all, but I think that’s because he reminds me a little bit of Wilfred Mott (Donna’s granddad). The new environment gave us a chance to start to see their personalities a little bit, and so far I’m excited about them. I love Graham’s patience with trying to bond with Ryan, and I love Yas’ determination to jump right in and ask questions.
Roz: Ryan’s struggles with the ladder were a nice nod to what he’s going to struggle with for this season, but his attitude was both a great disadvantage (when he took the gun and ran outside) but also a positive when he realized how to get that boat working. Yaz didn’t shine as much this week, but I think Ryan and Graham need time to sort things out.
What did you think about Epzo and Angstrom?
Cara: I was surprised to see Epzo come around to be a decent guy at the end. A lot of times, he’s the type of character that would die due to his own selfishness, so it was nice to see them working together at the end. Angstrom’s tragic tale actually made me a little suspicious, but that probably says more about me than her. I think she introduced us to one of the season’s big monsters, though, because there’s no way the Doctor can just let the Stenza run rampant in the universe.
Roz: I found that their reasons for being part of this race compelling by the end, and Epzo being a stand up guy made for a surprise after all that posturing about being a one man island.
How about that new TARDIS and screwdriver?
Cara: I love the organic look of the screwdriver and TARDIS remodel. Both are rugged and tough, but still elegant. Plus, the TARDIS has a biscuit dispenser! That’s the kind of technological advancement I need in my life.
Roz: I love how geometric the TARDIS is compared to the nice curves of the sonic. That the TARDIS has that biscuit dispenser is amazing! I want more little advancements around.
Favorite Lines or Scenes?
Cara: Graham: How you gonna do that? Doctor: Not sure. Looking at is as a chance to surprise myself.
Doctor: See. Brains beat bullets.
Doctor: Did I not mention , I am really smart.
As always, the Doctor is highly quotable. .
Doctor Who airs on Sundays at 8PM on BBC America.