THE GIFTED Roundtable: coMplications
More mutants, more drama. Join us to discuss this week’s episode of The Gifted.
Let’s dig into the episode with a new feature: S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o) and Y(our Thoughts)
RELATED: The Gifted: The Complete First Season on DVD
Roz: I need more of this revolution before I decide that the Cuckoos are not all here with this plan with Reeva. Nothing feels right about how much they’re all keeping from Lorna and Andy, or what else it means for the Mutants who want to get Lorna and Andy back. I mean, a little revolution now and then is great, but for what end and through what means? We’re missing big pieces as the audience.
Rueben: I’m thoroughly bored with Andy, and even his family’s need to continue to search for him. I just don’t care anymore. I’d rather that they put more effort into getting baby Dawn away from the Inner Circle than anything else.
Leah: Right Rueben? I know I’m supposed to care about their issues, but I just can’t focus on that while Dawn is out there. Watching Eclipse be so sad is heartbreaking.
Lisa: Yes!! Andy is getting on my last nerves and I still can’t get over that hair. I don’t know where they are going with his storyline but I am over it. Also, Reed annoyed me for keeping his new found powers a secret. Am I the only one who looks at him and still thinks Vampire Bill?
Cay: Yeah, Andy is just annoying and useless to the plot for now, although Reeva clearly has some kind of grand plan for his powers. But my biggest gripe was that there was not enough Amy Acker in this episode! And I’m mad at Reed for not telling Caitlin about his powers. What does he gain from hiding it from her? Her two kids are mutants, she knows he is/was, so why the secrets?
Roz: MORLOCKS! MORLOCKS! I’m all for a look at mutants with more physical demonstrations (because let’s be real aside from Clarice most of the mutants we see look “normal”) because they’re always a great look into how and why mutant rights aren’t as universal as the X-Men probably wanted.
Leah: Anytime I get to see mutants use their powers I’m in. I’ve said it before but the special effects are so good. ALSO – the acting they are doing, I never think in the middle of a scene, “there is no light coming from Marco’s hand.” It just is and that is awesome.
Rueben: The look of Erg’s “Real Underground” was kinda cool, but since they live in the sewers – ew! I liked how Marcos fought back against the triplets mind control, especially when he yelled, “Lorna, they’re lying to you.” I had a feeling that Reeva and the Inner Circle was “keeping” Lorna and Andy there more than just the two of them switching sides, and that one statement seemed to confirm my theory. Also, want kind of deal did Blink make with Erg, and what will that entail.
Cay: Marco giving the Frosts a [brief] beatdown was my favorite part, although I thought the father-daughter time between Lauren and Reed was quite poignant. I’d honestly forgotten by this point that Reed used to prosecute mutants.
Lisa: Although it was brief, seeing Marcos hold his baby for the first time was so touching. I hated when he gave her back to the doctor but it was followed up with a can of whoop ass on those triplets!!
So So
Roz: What is your deal Jace? None of your story was good, except for us to know you’re still on the show. He needs to go rogue and do all this work on his own or just fall in line and start a new family with his wife.
Leah: Jace needs to get his shit together. His obsession is tiring. I need him to make some sort of decision.
Rueben: I don’t know how I feel about Jace and his obsession. It’s clear that his wife wants him to give it all up, and even the cops don’t want to hear from him. Jace either needs to just move on or make some kind of move. If he does make that move, though, it’s not going to end well for him.
Lisa: Jace Jace Jace!! I couldn’t decide to put my thoughts on him in the stupid category or the so so because he’s both! It was stupid of him to go to the police station. I agree with you all, it is an obsession and it is tiring as Leah said. He needs to get it together.
Cay: It almost seems like they need Jace to try to tie season 2 to season 1 because so much has changed. There is no word to describe it other than “obsession”.
Your Thoughts
Roz: How strong are the Cuckoos at this point? They’re doing some grand work if Lorna and Andy don’t know they’re being lied to, but there’s that missing piece that’s going to bother me until we hear the answer to the revolution (will it be televised? Is someone dropping a stadium around Marcos or John?).
Rueben: I’m intrigued about how Reed is going to handle his powers, and how that is going to affect his family, and the Underground as it stands now. They are going to need Reed’s power to take down Reeva and the Inner Circle especially given she said, “we’re creating something special.” What exactly is that? What is their endgame other than having mutants accepted and taking over the world?
Lisa: I look forward to seeing more of the Mutants Underground and how Reed will handle his powers. I’m also intrigued by baby Dawn. Will she have powers? How long until they manifest? And what is Reeva’s plan for her?
Cay: Based on his family history, Reed should be very powerful once he learns to control it. I worry that both his power and Lauren’s will end up having to be used against Andy’s, however Reeva is planning on using him.
The Gifted airs Tuesdays at 8PM on Fox.