Thoughts: A Million Little Things: Save the Date
A Million Little Things aired a new episode on Wednesday night, focusing on:
Gary, Rome and Eddie discover that Jon really thought of everything before his passing by planning a surprise trip for Gary’s birthday at a Bruins fantasy camp; when a grave secret is exposed, Gary’s special day takes a turn for the worse.
RELATED: A Million Little Things: Band of Dads
So, after no tears last week, this one was another sad one. I’m glad that they didn’t drag out the secret of Ed and Delilah’s affair any longer and I liked how the show handled the reveal – it was believable. I particularly liked how they all confronted each other about it once the secret was out instead of triangulating. Obviously it will have lasting repercussions, but set against the backdrop of Jon’s suicide, it is put in perspective without being minimalized (at least not yet).
My burning question from the pilot remains why is Jon’s assistant still hiding the info that he left?? What is her endgame? I’ll admit that I’ve wondered if she was having an affair with him from the beginning, but that may just be because sleeping with the secretary is a decades-old cliche. She could have just let them find the documents and pretended that she didn’t know about them, but she didn’t, which means that she moved them somewhere.
Speaking of characters not exactly being forthright, what is Maggie’s deal? She so often seems so put together but clearly below the surface there are issues. What is the significance of the bear? Why isn’t she treating her cancer?
Last, but not least, I noticed once again that this show has an awesome soundtrack!
It was only a matter of time for the truth about the affair between Eddie and Delilah to come to light, but I sure didn’t expect it to happen that quickly. Although, it is better that it was prolonged too much longer. What surprised me most was how Katherine confronted Delilah without completely losing it. I so did not see that reaction coming, but her merely slapping Eddie’s face and shoving sheets into his hands seemed too tame. I have a feeling, though, that there is going to be a lot more anger and fisticuffs yet to come.
One thing I was curious about, however. Where were Jon and Delilah’s kids? They weren’t at home at all, even to wish “Uncle” Gary a happy birthday.
I have to agree with Cay that I am wondering what the deal is with Maggie? You can only put on that kind of facade for so long and then it all dissolves. And yes, what is the deal with that panda bear? What significance does it hold for her? And when is she going to finally unpack her boxes or does she plan to live like that permanently?
I particularly liked the scene at the end between Gary and Delilah, especially his recounting about the last time he actually liked celebrating his birthday. I can SO identify with his not liking to celebrate his birthday, as I don’t like doing that either (for different reasons) but the sentiment is still there.
The other scene that really got to me was Gary telling Eddie that “this isn’t a sports movie,” as they beat that either “team” during their visit to the fantasy camp. I can’t see how Gary and Rome are going to be forgiving of what Eddie did any time soon.
Lastly, I have to agree with Cay that the music in the show is terrific. They really need to think about having a soundtrack released when the first season ends.
[Photo Credit: ABC]
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The next episode of A Million Little Things will air on ABC on Wednesday, October 17 at 10/9c.