The Gifted Roundtable: unMoored
The Gifted is back for another week of mayhem and mutant madness.
Thunderbird contacts a mutant lawyer who recruited him to the Underground years ago, hoping she can help him find the Inner Circle. Lauren and Andy have a shared dream, which distracts Andy from his training and prompts Reeva to consider cutting her losses with him, which, in turn, makes Andy second-guess his separation from his sister. Meanwhile, Reed must keep a huge secret from the group and Jace picks up the mutants’ trail again.
Let’s dig into the episode with a new feature: S(tupid), A(wesome), S(o) S(o).
Roz: I call two today: Andy’s dumb phone call and half truth, plus Jace’s obsession. Jace, we get that you’re still wanting to chance mutants, but didn’t you learn anything from last time?
Leah: Thank you Lisa – Andy’s hair is distracting and not in a fun/cute way. No good. Jace, Jace, Jace…will you never learn.
Cay: What the heck is Andy thinking? Yes, he’s 15 and teenagers do dumb things, but he’s gotten himself in a right mess now – Reeva means business and he should be with his family, not doing her bidding.
Karen: omgrite? Andy might be naïve, but he’s not dumb. He sees what Reeva does to people that don’t bend to her will, and yet – he calls home to talk to his non-compliant sister? DUMB, DUMB, DUMB.
Rueben: I’m not buying that Turner is going to let things go with the blackout in DC or his mutant files. I think we all know he’s not going to let any of it go, right?
Lisa: Yes Rueben I agree. Turner definitely isn’t going to let it go even though he should. He’s lost enough already and needs to focus on his wife. Also, I don’t think I am ever going to get over Andy’s hair…Ugh!
Roz: The little moment before Dawn’s fever manifested – when Eclipse set off that light for them both. It’s great to see some humanity and real feeling even when they’re separated by ideology right now. Never let it be said that Lorna can’t take after her dad. *wink wink nudge nudge*
Leah: Flashbacks for the win for me. I always love a well done peek into the past.
Cay: Holy cow, Reed has some crazy powers! Not that I would expect otherwise from his family, but once he learns to control them, look out!
Rueben: We did it again, Cay. Reed has got some crazy, ultimately scary, power. The Von Struckers don’t disappoint, huh? Evangeline said they don’t have the power to take on Reeva and the Inner Circle. I have a feeling that Reed is going to outpace them all.
Karen: I’m super intrigued by Dawn. She’s running a fever now, so are we already seeing some powers manifest? I kinda liked the flashbacks too, but that’s kinda my thing. Backstory.
Lisa: I also enjoyed the flashbacks! Last week I wasn’t overwhelmed by Reed’s glowing hand but this week. Whoa! His powers are impressive and I can’t wait to see what he gets into. Also, Reeva is awesome. She is a great addition to the show this season.
Roz: The Cuckoos had to have a better way to seeing what was on Andy’s mind than what they did after Fade was following him. They’re amazing telepathes; do better ladies!
Leah: Fourthed? Is that a thing? Not super engaging. Good parts but overall….
Cay: I’ll admit that I wasn’t all that engaged with tonight’s episode – it just didn’t keep my attention very well.
Rueben: I have to agree with Cay. I had to almost force myself to pay close attention to the episode. I was hoping for a bit more for the second episode, and this just wasn’t it.
Karen: Thirded. There were some high points definitely, but also some points where I found myself drifting. Esme seems pointless other than a tool in the “Inner Circle’s” arsenal, (whatever happened to The Hellfire Club?) especially since she (and the Cuckoos) were such a strong force in the last few episodes of season one.
Lisa: This episode was lacking in some areas for sure. I ‘m glad to know it wasn’t just me.
Roz: After the pace of the premiere this was a let down so, when do we get some big bad explosions? I need drama with my mutants, and they’re only providing the emotional sort now (which isn’t “sexy” to watch on television).
Karen: Dawn – let’s go there! What can she do even as a baby? I kinda want to see an Incredibles moment. I love the flashbacks as I said above, so can we get more of that as well as forward character development? Also, let’s just GO ALREADY! Fighting, action, MOVEMENT. STOP. BEING. BORING.
Cay: What does the dream that Andy and Lauren keep having mean? Is it some sort of prophecy, or just a manifestation of their fears?
Rueben: Cay and I are on the same wavelength again. I had the same thoughts. Are they connected because of the deaths they caused or is this a premonition, of sorts, for what’s to come? I’m also very concerned about baby Dawn and what is wrong with her, and seeing what will happen when Johnny meets up with Evangeline’s contact. And, are we going to get to see the undergrounds from New York, Chicago or LA? Why else would they be brought up?
Lisa: And I am with you guys. I want to know what their dreams mean! When Lauren fell off of the roof it seemed so real. I felt like it was a premonition. Also, I’m with Karen, let’s get this party started. I’m ready for some action!
The Gifted airs Tuesday at 8pm on FOX