TAKE TWO: Thoughts on “One to the Heart”
TAKE TWO‘s season finale dealt with the repercussions of Eddie and Sam’s kiss at the end of last week’s episode (and then some) and had them looking to opportunities for the future, but not before blasts from the past got in the way and lead to one dramatic season finale cliffhanger. Read on to find out what Ange, Roz, Rueben and Leah thought of last night’s episode…
Roz’s Thoughts:
The Good Well, it gave me all that awkwardness of what I expected from Eddie and Sam sleeping together. The case was taking all sorts of twists and turns ending in one HUGE cliffhanger!
The Bad THAT CLIFFHANGER! I’m guessing the show isn’t coming back, which leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth when I can’t get an answer to what’s going to happen.
Rueben’s Thoughts:
The Good What a way to open AND close the episode. Sam and Eddie have sex and then Eddie ends up getting arrested for a crime we all know he didn’t commit, but all the evidence sure as hell points that way. Damn that Deacon!!
The Bad I saw each and every set-up before it fully played out from the minute Deacon walked into that poker game. I’m upset that each of those events happened, that I saw them happen before they took place and that TPTB would play all that out in the finale. Sure it helps build up the suspense because it is a finale, but when it’s looking like there might not be a season two, thanks for robbing us into a show only to have the rug pulled out from under us. GROAN!!
PS: I’m hoping that ABC will maybe do an 11th hour save of the show or perhaps Andrew and Terri (the EP’s and creators of the show) can pull some magical strings at the network to get those of us who watched and enjoyed this summer drama some more episodes to tie things up. Wishful thinking?!
Leah’s Thoughts:
The Good I’m really glad they brought the main characters relationship fully around to them being more than partners. That rarely happens, it’s always will they won’t they. YAY! Also Eddie Cibrian would have chemistry with my nail file. Honestly!
The Bad I HATE cliffhangers. They do not belong in season finales EVER. Also, all season Eddie has been helping Christine do things like hide her brother, etc…she couldn’t give him a heads up about his impending arrest? Another also, who would ever believe Eddie did that crime or was careless enough to get caught. Come on. Be better.
Ange’s Thoughts:
The Good This was probably one of the show’s stronger episode, paced with a lot of things happening with all sorts of twists. (Although, do they count as twists if you see them coming?) As awkward as the aftermath was, I’m glad that Eddie and Sam addressed that it happened and tried to work past it rather than pretending that it never happened and then ended up letting their defences down right before Eddie was arrested. Side note, my favorite moment of last night’s episode was when Sam declared that she once played a doctor – I see what you did there show with the nod to Rachel Bilson playing a doctor for four seasons on HART OF DIXIE. Loved that little shoutout!
The Bad Yep, I’m with the rest of the girls about ending on a cliffhanger when it’s uncertain that we’ll even get another season. I also echo Leah’s sentiments about Christine not even giving Eddie a heads up or having his back just a little bit more, and yep are we seriously meant to believe that Eddie did it or that these characters are dumb enough to believe that he could? I agree, be better show!