TAKE TWO: Thoughts on “Shadows of the Past”
On TAKE TWO this week, it’s Eddie’s turn to take a trip into his past when a serial killer has him and Sam in his sites. Here’s what we thought about this latest episode…
Roz’s Thoughts:
The Good Berto and Monica are so great at being a good side foil to Sam and Eddie. Watching Berto feeling guilty for what happened as he felt better than the killer (as a starting point) did a good job of humanizing him. Berto’s mistake also is a good parallel to what Eddie did as a cop; they each want to be better than the currently are and Monica and Sam are there by their sides to help them. At the same time, Monica and Sam are dogged in how they approach each investigation. No one here wants to fail.
The Bad
This bad guy is not creative. He’s too mustache-twirling for a show that should be about new boundaries in victims and criminals.

(ABC/Jack Rowand)
Leah’s Thoughts:
The Good Eddie and Sam are partners. Actual partners. He didn’t tell her to wait in the car. He simply said, “Stay behind me.” He didn’t mock her when she had a bat and was walking around her house locking doors/windows. He helped her. He was prepared to sleep on a very uncomfortable looking couch. Not because of some sexual tension, but because THEY ARE PARTNERS. He asks her opinion, he shares some things about his background and of course at the end he actually called her his partner. I am super pleased they aren’t going to stretch out the posturing and angst and nonsense most shows in this genre would.
Also 100% agree with Rueben – Berto and Monica solving a case while Eddie and Sam are indisposed would be awesome!
The Bad Honestly it doesn’t matter to me that I knew who the killer was the second I saw him. You watch enough TV and that is bound to happen. I do think sometimes though we don’t get to see a lot of the crime. I’m not looking for Criminal Minds detail, but a little more depth wouldn’t hurt.

(ABC/Jack Rowand)
Rueben’s Thoughts:
The Good I know I probably sound that a broken record, but I loved that Jordan was in an episode again! I also liked that we got to see Monica and Berto in action a bit more; maybe we could have them handle a case together while Sam and Eddie are trapped somewhere. It would be fun to see them solve one on their own.
The Bad I called it halfway through the episode that it was the brother. I also need to say that the serial killer aspect of the story was unsettling not just because it was about a serial killer, but because of the similarities to the ongoing 3XK serial killer on Castle. That serial killer killed women who looked like his mother just like Tim Stepansky in Thursday’s episode. Really?! PS: And the next new episode is centered around aliens. Castle did this kind of episode too. C’mon, come up with something different, please!

(ABC/Jack Rowand)
Ange’s Thoughts:
The Good I liked that the show delved into more of Eddie’s backstory this week and that he was opening up to Sam about why he originally became a cop. I’m with Leah, I really liked the fact that this episode showed Eddie and Sam as actual partners and the end where he gives her the chain was sweet. Like Rueben, I was happy to see more of Jordan Gavaris’ character again and am totally down for Berto and Monica taking the lead on a case!
The Bad Yep totally called the killer right from the moment we saw him. While I’m all for being made feel smart that I nailed it, c’mon show, let’s not be too predictable!
TAKE TWO will air a new episode on August 30 at the special time of 9/8c on ABC.