TAKE TWO: Thoughts on “About Last Night”
On Take Two this week, Sam and Eddie wake up in bed together, naked, with no memory of the previous night. Of course, they can’t help but wonder what did or didn’t happen.
Roz’s Thoughts:
The Good: Jewel Straite! I adore her so much so it was great to see her, even better to see her in a procedural instead of sci-fi. Also the case was complex enough and twisty enough to keep me on my toes all episode long.
The Bad: I’m almost tired of the play on will they/won’t they at this point. I get that it makes for some good tension, but I almost wish we’d just get a definitive answer on if they’ll sleep together to avoid more of this.
Leah’s Thoughts:
The Good: You know what is funny? I don’t mind that this isn’t a truly original show. If there is even such a thing anymore. They do a good job, for me, of slightly twisting an old idea and turning it into an episode I really like. The wake up in bed together, can’t remember what happened the day before, etc…has been done. A LOT. However I didn’t find myself rolling my eyes once during the episode. Kudos! Maybe because Eddie Cibrian is so ridiculously pretty? It definitely helps.
The Bad: Eh – I’m not giving this episode any bad. It was a fun Summer TV episode.
Rueben’s Thoughts:
The Good: I have to join Roz in saying Jewel Staite! I squee’d when I saw her name. Also we got to see Eddie’s buddy Zeus, albeit much too briefly, but YES! And, Jordan Gavaris was in two scenes. It’s about damn time! I want more of that please!! I was worried about the plot too since, like Leah stated, it’s been done before; but there were enough crazy twists and turns in the episode to make it not completely formulaic. I was so curious how things all played out that I was bored by the “it’s been done so many times before” type episode.
The Bad: I agree with Roz; just get it over with already. If they’re gonna tease the “will they-won’t they,” just do it! Quit teasing! I also wish that there were more for Detective Rollins than showing to either berate Eddie or just to arrest someone. Give Aliyah O’Brien some more screen time and make her more than a one dimensional character. There’s got to be so much more to her, right?
Ange’s Thoughts:
The Good: FINALLY Jordan Gavaris’ ME is back on the scene. About damn time! Jordan bias aside, I really like the friendship between his character and Sam and hope there can be a way to interweave more of that onto the show so that he’s not just turning up every time there’s a dead body on the show.
The Bad: I think I’ve said it before, but oh man they really need to tone down the cheesy suspense music. I found it a bit overdone this episode. I also agree with Rueben that it would be nice for Detective Rollins to have more to do than show up at crime scenes and berate Eddie.
Take Two airs Thursday at 10/9c on ABC